Tuesday, May 27, 2008

various characters that the brothers know

One of the most interesting characters that the Brothers have know is Sang, a tall chameleon ninja. Having been a early friend of theirs from the military base, Sang came and lived with them right after they got back together the first time. Not much is known about his history or past, there was some talk about a long boat ride to the land of the Rising Sun ( Japan ) and back, but beyond that he kept himself a mystery. They all lived in a small apartment above the garage they worked at, in a dirty and run down neighborhood in Sacramento. The area was more like present day palestine, there was a government and some law and order, but the local gangs and militia's held more influence and power on a day to day basis. Barett ran into Sang on accident not long after they started up thier business at the garage, he was sleeping in the back alley, by the dumpster. Sang carried around swords and a AK-47 plus various other weapons and tricks ( he was dead serious about the ninja thing ). On more than one ocasion he would jump from one moving vehicle to another, and attack the occupants in direct hand to hand combat. He lived with them off and on traveling around the west coast and into the southwest as the Brothers moved from place to place, then one day he decided to leave, not much has been heard from him. Barett says that he gets bits of info off the various spy networks about him, and has seen him off and on over the last few years.
Another personality from the past is Joe Beef, a wolf mix with gray hair. Joe was an over the top, sports car driving, state trooper. Having work with the Brothers in the first " Unification War " and generally participating in anarchy and partying in the down time, he floats in and out of thier lives. He lives by himself and spent most of his time after the War living in the " Spook " world ( he did counter espionage for the government ). Always a good source of info, Barett would contact Joe about potential clients and various people looking to kill them, in return Barett would turn over info about people or situations that they ran across not pertaining to thier job. At times there was no contact with Joe ( like when they were wanted men ) as he really didn't want to arrest them. He carried twin 1911 colt .45 cals and keep a m60 machine gun in the trunk of his car, " Go big or go home !!" was Joe's motto.
Mellisa is another person that floats in and out of the Brothers lives. ( due to the nature of their jobs and the constant violence and destruction that surrounds them, people tend to not stick around long.) They first meet Mellisa on the Canary islands off the coast of California, almost killing her. A helicopter pilot by training ( ex-military ) she dated Barett off and on over the last couple of years. Being a Ringtail cat mix herself and liking the thrill of adventure like the Brothers she tends to stick around longer than the rest. There is some speculation that Barett and her are very serious, but they don't talk about it, to each other or anyone else. A muscular build and dark brown hair with hazel eyes, Mellisa is a very attractive women, yet for some reason finds that her looks do her more harm in the world of pilots. She spends a lot of time practicing and studying over her stunts and tricks, trying to prove she is better than the other fly boys. One of the reasons that she likes the Brothers is that they don't judge her by her looks or background, just on her skills and abilities, and she is one damn good pilot.
Billy the Kid, a greyhound mix, with partial looks, is a friend of Barett's. Having meet when they worked for the government in the spook world, Billy kept in touch with the Brothers. Naturally ambidexterous, he worked the shooting competition circuit for a few years till he got a job with a weapons manufacturer. After a few years the N.S.A. offered him a job training recruits how to shoot and work a little counter espionage. He took a real liking to the undercover work and did some out of country work ( he is very vauge about what ) but after his return, he lost his taste for the Government. Now he spends his days doing private security work and teaching shooting classes. Barett suspects that all this is a cover for his spy work, allowing him to get close to corrupt business leaders and government officials, seeing that the people Billy works for are the bottom of the barrel. Billy shoots twin colt pythons, slung low cowboy style, when he does competitions. Know to pack more than one or two guns at all times, he shoots equally well with either hand. Unmarried or even attached he lives the classic bachelor life. Keeping a small apartment in the city and a cabin in the hills, Billy spends most of his time in hotels, moving from city to city, following jobs or competitions. He still has lots of contacts that the Brothers use to keep tabs on jobs they are doing, but fear he may turn on them one day.


Dave Crockett Coontail said...

There were also the twin weasel ninja. They played a major part in several adventures.

I remember running across Melissa. I heard her creeping around upstairs. Utah headed up with a gun. I suspected she was female, so I used my shotgun to blast a hole around her. She fell through the ceiling and onto a sofa. She has hated me since (I think she is clever enough to know just how cunning, manipulative, and dangerous I can be). Granted the shotgun hole in the ceiling works only in the movies. In reality, it would ave just been a waste of sabot slugs.

Barett Coontail said...

There was the Papa-loc adventure, he was the black lab drug king pin in the part of Sacramento that we lived in. Kind of a gang leader/ drug lord that had kidnapped lumpy (a girl we knew from our youth) and we needed to rescue her.