Monday, May 12, 2008

Rick's Adventure #3

Rick rolls, jumps and lands behind a pile of dirt and rocks, bullets start to go off around you then the fireworks start. Its like the end of a rock concert, loud noises, screaming and lots of explosions. Rick smiles to himself, this is his favorite type of noise, I'd like to see Utah's face when he hears about this one he thinks. Rolling in the dark under some mining equipment and crawling in the dark forest back to the rendezvous's spot he searches for Barett and Maria's shapes. Looking over at the Camp trailer the fire and smoke hiding its real damage he can tell that it blew right in half, the front sitting on its end twenty feet away, well.... part of the front. The truck is burning good now, thick black smoke making your eyes water. Barett saddles up to you and smiles, gives the thumbs up symbol and looks a round, makes the girly figure motion with his hands, then shrugs his shoulders. You wait for maybe thirty more seconds then start to wonder where is Maria ? Things are starting to get hot, people running and shooting wildly, occasionally Barett knocks one down with the .45 pistol, just to stir things up, but no Maria. You wait at least sixty more seconds, but no sign of Maria.

What does Rick do, Barett is making the sign for getting out of there, now.

"She did seem nervous about this little adventure at the last minuted didn't she." Rick says as he rolls over to scan the area. "I can't leave her here."
Rick takes the stolen radio ear-piece and slips it into his hear, listing for the doggies chatter.
"Are you going to help me out?" he asks Barett. "Besides, what is the fun if we run now when there is some much more insane chaos we can inflicted upon these guys."

Rick keeps his head down as he runs out into the night air filled with flying bullets, sparks and fire. He heads over for the area Maria was going to work in looking for any sign of warriors in the action of apprehending someone.

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