Friday, May 23, 2008

Ricks adventure part #5

Rick and Barett having set the trap with the dummy ( the body dressed as Barett ) and prepared the sight in as quick a time as possible, part ways. Barett heads up the hill after the sniper, Rick attempts to run his decoy as long as possible. Not long after Rick has secured himself in the forest, he senses movement down the river just south of the dock. The fires having died down at this point, leaving a dull glow in the background, clouded by the thick smoke from the smoldering trucks. The smell of burning oil and rubber stings your lungs and burns your nose, you hope that this will hurt the "doggies" sense of smell. The radio clicks and crackles to life " Well, well, we get meet finally." says the voice. "I think there is a score to be settled". You see Maria emerge from the forest, shuffling forward, just enough so that you can see she is strapped with explosives, her legs and hands are tied. " I think that you owe me something...something big, but first I will make you suffer, what do you think ?" Barett speaks into the walkie talkie then, " I don't think that you have balls big enough to face me in person, mano e mano, you dip-dunk, pus nut, s..t for brains, blankity blank blank licking, butt sniffing, b...h. Come out and fight me, I'm already wounded, I'm sure that you could take me, or not...what .........are you afraid of one little kitty cat, you blankity blank blank." Using his trust and intimidate to draw the Doggie in to the open, he hopes. The down side to this kind of bluff, if Mr. Murphy decided to come along for a ride, is that they would blow up Maria. That is the risk that Barett is willing to take, but is hoping for the best, given the situation.
There is a slight pause then two quick shots, one from the hill Barett is slowly making his way to, the second from the dark just behind Maria. The muzzle flash giving away their locations. The first strikes at the dummy in the left leg, the second shot goes at his right arm, knocking him down and shaking the gun loose from his hand. Barett screams in to the mike, pretending to be in pain, as Rick works the rope making the dummy rise and fall, moving against the tree. The decoy, poorly done and hastily attached, did it's job, from the river two more figures rush in, guns drawn and ready, dropping a few more rounds into its legs. When they get close to the decoy Rick lets the booby trap go down. Pressing the button for the remote explosives on the body, and ducking down to cover himself he waits for the pop and spray...nothing...s..t thinks Rick, what happened. The two doggies have reached the decoy now and have looks of surprise on their faces. Rick looks down the at the detonator and sees the switch is broken, touching the wires together he lets the full effect of c4 at close range be felt by the two doggies as they turn to run.
The high pitch crack of explosives and spray of dirt fills the air, knocking down the two doggies. Rick rolls to the right and sprays the area behind Maria where the shot came from. Then he hears the crack of the .50 cal, as dirt sprays across him, stinging his face and hands, it's followed by a series of shots from Baretts rifle. Rick comes up into a running position and bolts for the shadow figure behind Maria covering the distance in short measure. Two shots come from the dark figure as he weaves and dodges toward the "doggie" in the dark, one nicks Rick across the ribs leaving a burning feeling, the other bounces off the spare magazines on his hip. leaping the last few yards, feet forward Rick slams into the chest of the doggie.
Rick comes up on top, swinging with brutal force he punches at the throat of the female " doggie " her leg wrapped up in a splint. She tries to fend off his attacks but his fury is total at this point and he rips into her with no restraint, pummelling her throat and face with knife hand attacks, and kicking at the wounded leg. She collapses in a pool of blood and fur, the last gasps of air gurgling from her lungs. Rick spins and comes up with the detonator to Maria's explosives vest, keeping the trigger clear, he moves toward her shaking figure.
Using his training in explosives and electrical knowledge he starts un-wiring the explosives, only a few seconds into it he sees one of the two " doggies " on the ground raise his gun at him. But before Rick can react the crack of Baretts gun finishes off the "doggie". Removing the vest from Maria and tossing it in the river, Rick pulls her tight to him, kisses her on the cheek, then drags her into the forest for cover. The radio crackles and the dark voice you've been talking to comes on again, "I've got one more trick up my sleeve you blankity, blank s.o.b.'s..... since you leave me no choice the whole camp goes f..... boom in sixty seconds.....big f...blankity, blank boom enjoy your last blankity blank, good for nothing, greasy blankity blank cats....". then the radio goes quiet.
Barett yells " we've looted now lets scoot." and makes a run for the river.

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