Monday, May 12, 2008

The other side of Barett Coontail

Barett Coontails mother always wanted him to be a doctor, when she would go out to do visits and give shots to the locals, she would take him along. This is where he gained his knowledge of medicine and strong stomach for blood and gore. She liked to take him because he understood things well and didn't mind the mess, his ability to cut with a knife or stitch a wound made him a valuable assistant. But Barett never cared for the medical profession, he didn't like the politics and games played in the hospital, that and he never took to the " book learning" that was required. If being an ambulance driver in a large city was a real potential, he might have liked that more. But alas his lot was to be a real adrenaline junkie, jumping from perfectly good planes, swimming in choppy waters and " shooting and looting". Barett really liked the physical side of training all the running, climbing, swimming.....he would do them because he liked it, more than to get better at them, that was just a added benefit from it, his body really liked the exercise, it helped calm him down. Barett would spend some of his time growing up, down at the base motor pool with his brothers. The old mechanic would show them how to change tires and oil, fix cars and trucks and general mechanical skills, mostly to keep them out of trouble. One day Barett came apon a old Honda 250 scrambler, in bad need of repair. Barett spent a lot of his free time working on the motorcycle, more than he even did riding. But the feeling of freedom and the cool deseret air on his face was a welcome relief from the rigid structure of the military base they lived on.

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