Monday, May 12, 2008


Utah Blaine

Utah is the fraternal twin brother of Berett.. He has a thick hide and is the strongest of the brothers. He is a survivor, a mechanic, and a warrior. Utah loves hand to hand combat and is trained in Taekwon-Do and Jeet-Kune-Do. He tries to be a leader to his self-reliant and rebellious brothers and has set a moral ideal for himself that he often falls short of. This leads to a bit of insecurity and frustration, resulting in an explosive temper. He struggles most with his relationship with his youngest brother Dave. Still his brothers are his best friends and he cares for them. His visceral nature and temper often get him into trouble. His only artistic outlet is cooking.


Barett Coontail said...

Utah reminds me of Kurt Russell in "big trouble in little china", I hope things go better for him with his next girlfriend. The troubled loner is sexy, but I'm not gay.

Dave Crockett Coontail said...

Enough with saying you're not gay, Barett. Folks will begin to think thou protests too much. Also, you're pretty sexy cool, too, with your goatee and intense, dark eyes someone can get lost in. Kind of makes you uncomfortable, doesn't it? Figure in that were brothers and ew! All the bros. are sexy in their own way. Utah does have a bit of Kurt Russel (after Disney) in him, but I was thinking more along the lines of Snake Bliskin (I thought you would be taller). Dig that airy chest and that firm (though apparently fragile) jaw. Broad shoulders. Ultra cool.

Barett Coontail said...

You know that Utah does have that "I heard you were dead!" kind of effect on people when they find out who he is. Its odd that no one ever gets Utah and Barett mixed must be the facial hair thing. I was thinking that we should get Sang's opinion on things, no one really mentions that this chameleon ninja hung out with us for like three years.