Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Barett in France ( Duex oeufs sur la plat )

" Where was Rick, where was Spanky ? "

Thought Barett as he sat in the shadows of the dark warehouse, staring at the woodcrate. Two days ago he was sitting on the warm beach with Briget. Her warm and firm body pressed againest his, stiring feelings he had long surpressed. She was talking of other vacations and other things they could do. Now pressed againest this cold brick wall, listening to the rats scurry to and fro, waiting for a text from Rick, he pondered what was more fun, her or the thrill of adventure. He was going to give him another half hour then break into the crate and take the package, hoping that he would find any traps Rick may have set. Afterwards he was going to take a small plane he had rented and fly to London, having Bridget parachute out over the coast with the package, while he took the plane in.
Bridget wasn't having as much fun as he was, she didn't like the interrorgation back in Sete. "One of the worst things I have had to do, ever!" She had said to him repeatedly. He found it to be juvenile, the interrigation that is, the they were no good at it, besides they had nothing, well besides the gun he managed to ditch before they left the island. She found out that he had an mean streak, well a dark sense of humor at least. When he lead the guys following them into some gay bars and paided the dancers for some favors on the officers. Or pulled the brake lines on car, hey anyone can end up into a canal. She just wanted some quiet and romance, he just wanted some dirty fun and dirty love, anything for the adrenaline rush. Barett realized now that some activities were better left out of the dating arena, this three day date was to much for the relationship. He could see she wasn't liking the deadly side of being a adrenaline junky, it was all fine in controled situations like skydiving or motorcycle racing. But the gun in your face, jumping from moving trains was to much for this nice girl.
It was nineteen hours since he last heard from spanky, Shelia was to get a boat and make it to the coast to pick up Bridget, drop her off and meet up with Barett so they could pick up Rick and Maria at the train station. This all depended on things going a little better, a lot better.
Less than twelve hours ago he had been aproached by the French counter espionage service, they had offered him two million euros to tell them what was going on. They even offered to make him a double agent, with some tempting fringe benefits. Even though he owed the English no favors, and the fact that he knew someday that he was going to commit high treason, this was not the place. Telling them he was interested but unable to help them on this matter, he realized that something deeper than moving contraband across the continent was going on. Something that was dark and connected to the events in Bolivia, but how he did not know. The paranoid conspiracy theorist in him started to look at the people they were in with. Spanky was always there at the right moment, he had a lot of hidden skills, he could be a double agent or worse. Bridget she was the one who talked to him first, and was always asking questions about his past and job, she could be slipping info out very easy. Shelia, well He had always treated her with suspicion, even more so now that things were going strange. Maria, she was a probablity and had Rick wrapped around her finger as far as Barett was concerned. Admittedly she was very good at what she did, and looked very good doing it, he could see Ricks attraction, but she still had a hidden past and was not above suspicion. Rick, he was to be the only one that could be trusted, as long as Maria was not involved, there was only one way to be sure. Barett considered having Spanky and Shelia meet up with some accident, maybe even Bridget to, just to check his suspicions. Perhaps there was a better way to do that then killing people, he didn't think so, but would need to consider the other options.

The car ride yesterday through the country was relaxing and helped relieve Bridgets tension, the ancient churches and castles along the way were something that Barett had always wanted to see as well. The back route helped to weed out the tail and give him some time to think over Ricks plan. Bridget had proved more than frisky and the distraction of sex was a welcome break from the heat of the day. But that was hours behind him now, even though he could still smell the perfume of hers that had been rubbed into his shirt. Barett had liked the idea of a steady girlfriend, someone to relax with, but now considered her more of a liability. This was the conflict of his life style, the conflict of his personal life. Perhaps one day this would change.

At last he could wait no longer and made for the crate, hoping that he knew Rick well enough to find any traps.

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