Thursday, February 5, 2009

Spanky and Shelia ( Boy meets girl, Girl hates boy )

Spanky thought that things were going very well the first day, he was in the Mediterranean warm sun with this attractive women. She seemed very friendly when the others were around, a little cold and detached when they were alone, but he thought that his good looks and charm would work on her. The first night she insisted that there was no " Hanky Panky" and she even slept on the couch in the room. He found her behavior odd, but then again they were on a mission. Spanky knew that it was his roll to bring the tall coontail brother down here for this test. The orders had come down from near the top, so secret that some of the details were so hidden from him, that he didn't even know who really issued the order. He didn't have time for searching that out before he left, and the next thing he knows is that his contact is an attractive girl. After explaining the situation to her, she gets clearance to join the exercise and observe the operatives. He thinks that maybe she is interested in him until they are alone, on the second day. She bluntly explains that he is not her type and to stop hitting on her, she finds it " intolerable and juvenile". That's "craptacular" thinks Spanky,' great everyone is getting some but me, I could be getting drunk and stupid this weekend' back home. But here he was, trekking across the continent, pretending to be a couple with a women that hated him. I wonder if this is why people get divorced, he mentions to her. Explaining the whole irony of the situation, trying to make it sound funny and warped. It didn't work, she just shook her head and gave him this bored look. He is looking forward to meeting up with Barett again, at least then they could go out drinking and maybe shoot something. Right now this girl was all work, and the mission did not really demand that, well at least her level of detail. He had ascertained a few things about her in the last 48 hours, she wanted back into the field badly and was working every angle on this job to make herself look good, to whoever she was really reporting to. She also had some of the most advanced communications equipment that he had seen, small and powerful, they were also very undetectable to the casual observer. At some point Spanky believed that she video recorded everything that was going on, like it was some documentary film she was making. The only upside was that she was "smoking hot", and the close quarters made for at least a good side show for him. The one point he didn't like was the constant questions about the 'Brothers', they weren't your basic what are they like type. She had a lot more detail, more direct. Things like " were did they get their training at ? Are there more of their type out there ? How many languages do they speak ? Can you tell if they have a moral code and can be trusted with state secrets ?". These were disturbing questions to a man like Spanky, these were the questions of people looking to put together a shadow army. And the part that disturbed him the most is that they didn't seem interested in him, of all the insults slung by this girl, that is the one that hurt the most, the one she never said " your not good enough for us". Whoever the US ended up being, he knew that this whole trip was just a cover, a talent show for some very powerful people to watch.
The only joy that he took out of all this was that they seemed to know little of his double life, if they did they never would have let him get this close to their show, and now he knew for sure that the general and Shelia ( if that was her name ) were part of the shadow organization he heard about, this would come in useful to him in the near future.

1 comment:

Barett Coontail said...

Shelia is a female body builder on the side ( as you can tell from the photo), she is very intense as a person. Part of her problem is her focus, she finds people that are not as focused on the task at hand as she is, to be slackers. This of course includes about 99.5% of the population and explains her inability to have a relationship. Besides the weight training she is also a blackbelt in kungfu (shaolin). Why she works for this organization eludes spanky, but it may have more to do with her mother than she is willing to admit. Either way she is a force to be handled with caution.