Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Africa ( the resolution in the land of HAM )

Barett and Utah didn't expect to spend the next 5 days walking across the desert. The girl was suffering from an infection and could use more water and rest, and some good medicine. Barett and Utah were taking turns carrying her, walking at night and sleeping during the day. By day six Barett wondered if Tsai lee was going to make it, they had come across a small dune, just outside of the city Utah had plotted out for them. Down at the bottom was piles of new cars, fountains and the trappings of modern life. But there was no one, no gas in the cars, not one living soul. Truck tracks showed that people had been coming and going, but no one stayed. Deciding that this was to off and creepy they borrowed some nice robes, and crept over the hill in the dark. About halfway down Barett slips on the lava rock encrusted dune, making a loud racket. Hearing movement above and to the left of them they dodge just in time to miss the volley of bullets sprayed down on them. With only limited rounds Barett and Utah return fire and then rush the position a mere 30 feet away. Three " Dogs of War" troops were dug in, keeping an eye on the refugee camp down in the valley below. The destination for Utah and Barett, but now they were fighting three well armed and rested German shepard mixes. Barett makes six good shots and drops the first, but he is left with only two more bullets. Jumping into the mix he makes straight for the second guy, striking him with knee kicks and fists to the throat, dropping him and only taking some minor damage. Utah manages to quickly take down the third guy, and quickly secures the large covered fox hole they were hiding in. Finding that no one else was around, they dragged the bodies back into the foxhole and took their water and rations. Stripping the weapons and radio off these guys and getting some short rest they head down to the refugee camp.

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