Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Africa Part #3 ( In the city )

The sleep was good for all of them, letting thier bodies re-hydrate and process some of the food. Over the stolen radios they pick up the signal for a pull out, not long after wards they hear the claxton of a loudspeaker, a pull back call. From what they can gather over the radio and basic " Empire " method of operation. They are planning on using another of the " Clean bombs ", the target being the refugee camp. Rushing to sneak into the airport, they prep up a idle dc-3 cargo plane, just as a back-up. Heading over to the large guarded hanger, best guess for the helicopter that would hold the " Clean Bomb", they sneak up to the far corner. Before Utah and Barett can agree on a plan Tasi Lee sneaks off, killing one guard and taking his place. Deciding that her idea is good Barett and Utah move in but draw attention to themselves. After a small firefight, they push their way into the hanger.
Sitting large and Pretty is a special ops helicopter, Flat gray and outfitted with long-range fueltanks and navigation gear. The flight crew just finishing the pre-flight prep work, all set up for a operation. This must be the right place because inside it is a full outfit of commandos, at least twelve are visable. Tossing his only flash grenade at the far group, Barett rolls and dives toward the Helicopter, spraying and praying as he goes with the submachinegun. Utah and Tsai Lee seperate left and right and go to work, focusing on the different groupings of soliders, as small arms fire echos through the metal hanger. Ignoring the gun on her back, Tsai Lee attacks a group of three with the gurki, slashing and hacking her way thru them, as Utah blows away a group of four in his corner. Bullets dance and bounce around them as small arms fire is coming and going from all directions, bullets cut and tear at Barett as he jumps into the gunners port of the helicopter and opens up the big twin gattlings on the front of the helicopter, chewing thru all the guys pouring through the doors. Starting up the engines and pushing it forward towards the closed doors, Barett swings the twin guns around again, cleaning the forward parts of the hanger of the last few guys standing on that end as Tsai Lee and Utah clean up the last few guys in the back.
Just as Utah and the girl jump into the helicopter Barett stalls it out. Quickly working to get it started again he realizes that there is no remote control for the big doors of the hanger, inside the Helicopter. This is pointed out to him by Utah and the girl, much to his chagrin. Getting the engines to fire again, Barett uses the twin gattlings to make his own door. Rolling out onto the tarmack they fire up the props and head out over the river swinging low and tight, trying to avoid detection. That doesn't work real well as the radar starts bleeping, showing to incoming boogies. Rolling out of the river and behind the large dune they came in over, Barett swings the large helicopter low to the ground and waits for the jets to overshoot the dune then pulls up behind them letting loose a volley of rockets at the jets, managing to knock down one. He pulls down the front low and kicks up as much dust as he can. Hoping the dust will hide his moves he pulls back hard on the stick and winds the engines to top rpm. Making the helicopter pop quickly out of the dust and into the sky. Spinning around he opens the twin gattlings again, straffing the second jet, ripping into its engines. Moving away at top speed they hug the terrain and slip away as the second plane crashes in the dessert. Using evasion tactics as he hovers low to the ground Barett works the helicopter towards a safe exrtraction sight, while Utah attempts to disarm the " Clean Bomb.." Tsai lee stares at them, confused why they are so excited about getting this bomb, and yet so nervous about it sitting behind them. That is until they tell her about the one they saw in Bolivia. Its a long and nervous ride to the carrier they meet up with off the coast of east africa.


Barett Coontail said...

There are lots of questions to be answered. But that is the problem of just stumbling into something like this. Barett imagines that after the de-briefing they will never get back to Africa, no way to find out what is going on down there, just yet. But he isn't on the intel side, perhaps they could make friends with some of the counter intelligence guys and see what they have to say.

The modern UN organization is no real protection againest the "Empire". So looking to help the people out in the long run is more frustration, than fruitful.

Barett Coontail said...

The " Clean Bomb" is a electro-magnetic pulse generation device. It basically scrambles the brain and nervous system of any living creature in its range. These devices have been around for a while, some of the first were used in the liberation rallies/protests of the first Empire campaign. They were mounted on anti-personel vehicles and had limited range and focus. Mostly they caused headaches and high blood pressure related symptoms. This worked well for passive groups needing to be surpressed. The goal of this new weapon however is to kill. The Tesla bomb as it is know in the science circles has been a theory for a long time. The ULTIMATE weapon, no property damage, no allows you to occupy the target within the hour and use all the fortifications of the victims.