Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Barett in France ( Duex oeufs sur la plat )

" Where was Rick, where was Spanky ? "

Thought Barett as he sat in the shadows of the dark warehouse, staring at the woodcrate. Two days ago he was sitting on the warm beach with Briget. Her warm and firm body pressed againest his, stiring feelings he had long surpressed. She was talking of other vacations and other things they could do. Now pressed againest this cold brick wall, listening to the rats scurry to and fro, waiting for a text from Rick, he pondered what was more fun, her or the thrill of adventure. He was going to give him another half hour then break into the crate and take the package, hoping that he would find any traps Rick may have set. Afterwards he was going to take a small plane he had rented and fly to London, having Bridget parachute out over the coast with the package, while he took the plane in.
Bridget wasn't having as much fun as he was, she didn't like the interrorgation back in Sete. "One of the worst things I have had to do, ever!" She had said to him repeatedly. He found it to be juvenile, the interrigation that is, the they were no good at it, besides they had nothing, well besides the gun he managed to ditch before they left the island. She found out that he had an mean streak, well a dark sense of humor at least. When he lead the guys following them into some gay bars and paided the dancers for some favors on the officers. Or pulled the brake lines on car, hey anyone can end up into a canal. She just wanted some quiet and romance, he just wanted some dirty fun and dirty love, anything for the adrenaline rush. Barett realized now that some activities were better left out of the dating arena, this three day date was to much for the relationship. He could see she wasn't liking the deadly side of being a adrenaline junky, it was all fine in controled situations like skydiving or motorcycle racing. But the gun in your face, jumping from moving trains was to much for this nice girl.
It was nineteen hours since he last heard from spanky, Shelia was to get a boat and make it to the coast to pick up Bridget, drop her off and meet up with Barett so they could pick up Rick and Maria at the train station. This all depended on things going a little better, a lot better.
Less than twelve hours ago he had been aproached by the French counter espionage service, they had offered him two million euros to tell them what was going on. They even offered to make him a double agent, with some tempting fringe benefits. Even though he owed the English no favors, and the fact that he knew someday that he was going to commit high treason, this was not the place. Telling them he was interested but unable to help them on this matter, he realized that something deeper than moving contraband across the continent was going on. Something that was dark and connected to the events in Bolivia, but how he did not know. The paranoid conspiracy theorist in him started to look at the people they were in with. Spanky was always there at the right moment, he had a lot of hidden skills, he could be a double agent or worse. Bridget she was the one who talked to him first, and was always asking questions about his past and job, she could be slipping info out very easy. Shelia, well He had always treated her with suspicion, even more so now that things were going strange. Maria, she was a probablity and had Rick wrapped around her finger as far as Barett was concerned. Admittedly she was very good at what she did, and looked very good doing it, he could see Ricks attraction, but she still had a hidden past and was not above suspicion. Rick, he was to be the only one that could be trusted, as long as Maria was not involved, there was only one way to be sure. Barett considered having Spanky and Shelia meet up with some accident, maybe even Bridget to, just to check his suspicions. Perhaps there was a better way to do that then killing people, he didn't think so, but would need to consider the other options.

The car ride yesterday through the country was relaxing and helped relieve Bridgets tension, the ancient churches and castles along the way were something that Barett had always wanted to see as well. The back route helped to weed out the tail and give him some time to think over Ricks plan. Bridget had proved more than frisky and the distraction of sex was a welcome break from the heat of the day. But that was hours behind him now, even though he could still smell the perfume of hers that had been rubbed into his shirt. Barett had liked the idea of a steady girlfriend, someone to relax with, but now considered her more of a liability. This was the conflict of his life style, the conflict of his personal life. Perhaps one day this would change.

At last he could wait no longer and made for the crate, hoping that he knew Rick well enough to find any traps.

Friday, January 23, 2009

The Paris Club ( Masion De Loon )

Rick thought that the cologne, if thats what you called it, smelled weird. The clothes were amazingly comfortable though, and even though they both smacked his bottom and whistled at him when he left, he was gratful for the help. ( they giggled way to much for grown men, in Ricks opinion ). But he was one good looking guy, no doubt about it, dressed really slick, out on the town in Paris, out to have a good time. The H&K 9mm was tucked into the small of his back but the rifle had to be hidden inbetween the mattresses in the hotel room. This bits and pieces of equipment left all over the place was creating quite the headache. Somewhere out there Barett was waiting for a text message about the package. Rick knew that he should get that text to Barett off tonight, he was probably wondering if Rick boobytraped the crate. He still had gear in the truck of Carla's car, a women he had just meet, weapons in a hotel room and bodies piled up in a park, lots of other things to worry about before Barett. At least Paris was exciting, better then Sete.
The Line to the club was long, but Rick managed to make friends with a group that had been drinking alot before they arrived, and before long had made his way into the front lobby with them. Splitting off from the group once they got him inside he looked around. The place was huge, 15 ft ceilings on the main floor opened into a large bar with tables and waiters, to the back was another room with dancers in cages and some stage act going on in the back corner, on the left was a large staircase that was packed with mostly younger people, this was where the dance music was ebbing out of. To the right were a set of elevators, and two large partial looks Horses guarding them, must be the VIP route, thought Rick. He was just starting to get his bearings when he hears his name called.

" Senior Rick, Senior Rick is that you ?" Says a sultry Italian voice.

Turning around Rick sees Carla, dressed in thigh high black leather boots and a matching leather micro skirt, a sheer black shirt, with a half jacket in black leather, tightly hugging her fantastic body. Her dark hair is slicked back and she holds her cigarette in a long filter from her left hand. A small sparkling clutch and black lipstick complete the image. She is absolutly hot, and every time she moves from side to side as she walks, you get a glimpse of her perky breasts through the sheer shirt. She walks right up to Rick and plants a quick kiss on the lips before you can say anything.

" You cleaned up very well, a little on the gay side, but very well indeed, I may decide to keep you around a little longer. Come with me and dance upstairs, as we look for this " MISSING GIRLFRIEND" of yours. If that is what she is. " Says Carla in a mocking, jovial tone.

Rick can tell she is really putting on the charm to you, he thinks that if he said' lets leave right now and go back to your place' she would jump at it, or him. The thought goes through his mind, then another one involving a french phrase. Snapping back to the task at hand, he follows her as she takes his hand and leads him up the stairs to the second floor.

What does Rick do next ?


Maria follows the man up to the third floor and in to a small room, there is a small bar in the corner and several other girls milling around. High end chairs and couches line the walls, and small tables and lamps tastfully fill out the room. There are several dark wood panelled doors that line the sides of each wall and men and women move in and out of several on the left side to other larger rooms. The nice gentleman shows her to a large leather couch in the corner and sits down next to her.

" what do you want to ? " he cordially asks.

" Some white wine would be nice, what rooms are these? " Maria casually replies.

" Ah, yes.......these are the VIP rooms, they cover the whole of the top floor, I take it you have not been here before....your accent gives you away on that matter to, where do you come from, I can not pinpoint the dialect ?"

" From Bolivia, I was raised there....." replies Maria as she scans the room. It is mostly full of young women in the same kind of clubwear that she has on.

" Yes, very exotic, the gentlemen will like that, who do you work for ?"

Maria seems a little taken back, she had no intentions of telling them she was a secret operative, how could they know. The shock soon worn off when she caught what was really going on. The girls in this room were High-end Call girls, waiting for the rich single men to pick them out for the evening. The man sitting across from her now must work for the club, escorting the new girls to the room and checking out their references. Maria didn't know weather to be mad or flattered about what was happening. It made sense, but it wasn't part of her plan....what was she going to do ?

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Africa Part #3 ( In the city )

The sleep was good for all of them, letting thier bodies re-hydrate and process some of the food. Over the stolen radios they pick up the signal for a pull out, not long after wards they hear the claxton of a loudspeaker, a pull back call. From what they can gather over the radio and basic " Empire " method of operation. They are planning on using another of the " Clean bombs ", the target being the refugee camp. Rushing to sneak into the airport, they prep up a idle dc-3 cargo plane, just as a back-up. Heading over to the large guarded hanger, best guess for the helicopter that would hold the " Clean Bomb", they sneak up to the far corner. Before Utah and Barett can agree on a plan Tasi Lee sneaks off, killing one guard and taking his place. Deciding that her idea is good Barett and Utah move in but draw attention to themselves. After a small firefight, they push their way into the hanger.
Sitting large and Pretty is a special ops helicopter, Flat gray and outfitted with long-range fueltanks and navigation gear. The flight crew just finishing the pre-flight prep work, all set up for a operation. This must be the right place because inside it is a full outfit of commandos, at least twelve are visable. Tossing his only flash grenade at the far group, Barett rolls and dives toward the Helicopter, spraying and praying as he goes with the submachinegun. Utah and Tsai Lee seperate left and right and go to work, focusing on the different groupings of soliders, as small arms fire echos through the metal hanger. Ignoring the gun on her back, Tsai Lee attacks a group of three with the gurki, slashing and hacking her way thru them, as Utah blows away a group of four in his corner. Bullets dance and bounce around them as small arms fire is coming and going from all directions, bullets cut and tear at Barett as he jumps into the gunners port of the helicopter and opens up the big twin gattlings on the front of the helicopter, chewing thru all the guys pouring through the doors. Starting up the engines and pushing it forward towards the closed doors, Barett swings the twin guns around again, cleaning the forward parts of the hanger of the last few guys standing on that end as Tsai Lee and Utah clean up the last few guys in the back.
Just as Utah and the girl jump into the helicopter Barett stalls it out. Quickly working to get it started again he realizes that there is no remote control for the big doors of the hanger, inside the Helicopter. This is pointed out to him by Utah and the girl, much to his chagrin. Getting the engines to fire again, Barett uses the twin gattlings to make his own door. Rolling out onto the tarmack they fire up the props and head out over the river swinging low and tight, trying to avoid detection. That doesn't work real well as the radar starts bleeping, showing to incoming boogies. Rolling out of the river and behind the large dune they came in over, Barett swings the large helicopter low to the ground and waits for the jets to overshoot the dune then pulls up behind them letting loose a volley of rockets at the jets, managing to knock down one. He pulls down the front low and kicks up as much dust as he can. Hoping the dust will hide his moves he pulls back hard on the stick and winds the engines to top rpm. Making the helicopter pop quickly out of the dust and into the sky. Spinning around he opens the twin gattlings again, straffing the second jet, ripping into its engines. Moving away at top speed they hug the terrain and slip away as the second plane crashes in the dessert. Using evasion tactics as he hovers low to the ground Barett works the helicopter towards a safe exrtraction sight, while Utah attempts to disarm the " Clean Bomb.." Tsai lee stares at them, confused why they are so excited about getting this bomb, and yet so nervous about it sitting behind them. That is until they tell her about the one they saw in Bolivia. Its a long and nervous ride to the carrier they meet up with off the coast of east africa.

The Land of Ham Part Two. ( more shooting )

Having gotten some high protein bars in them and lots of water from the dogs, Barett and Utah take Tsai Lee and go down into the Refuge camp. It was about an hour before sunrise when they walk up on the camp from the dune side. The place was absolutely filthy, garbage and waste scattered across the make shift sand roads. To Barett it was like a " Burning man" that had gone on to long. Near the center was a small hand dug well, with a long line of people waiting. This seemed odd to Utah as the river was less than a half mile from the camp. The people in line were emancipated and dirty, they stared down at the ground, a lost in space look. From what people they could get to talk to them, they found out that the "Empire" had occupied the city, poisoned the river by releasing methane gas into it, and drove the inhabitants out here to starve to death. Deciding that making their way to the city was the only way out and needing to cross the river in a boat, Barett and Utah head back to the " Doggies " outpost and look for the way the small patrol made it from the city to the " Camp ".
The small medical pack Barett had taken off one of the dogs and given to Tsai Lee coupled with the food and water, had brought back her strength. The fever had broken and she was able to travel on her own now. Having lost her sword, Barett gives her his Gurki to use and a MP5 rifle, she just slings the gun over her back, and carries the large knife in hand. With the sun just coming up they are able to pick up the Dogs trail and follow it back to the river. The shore line is covered in bull rushes and vegitation, the river is brackish red and the heavy smell of methane gas is nauseating. Barett can see why no one is drinking the water or swiming across. They find a small landing spot where the dogs were coming in and set up a L-shaped ambush. Barett at the point Utah on the bend and Tsai Lee at the end. If it wasn't for the slapping of the waves on the bow of the patrol boat IBR, with help from thier hyper hearing the replacement Dogs would have surprised them. The boat was super quiet, no motor sound, no mechanical whine, but still quick and agile, this was top of the line OPs equipment. The Black boat pulls up and three German shepard mixes jump to the shore before the boat has stopped, forming a line they start up the bank thru the bull rushes. They are all wearing modified gasmasks, and carring the latest generation of submachineguns. Not wanting the group to seperate Utah opens up, dumping his whole magazine into the first three, at the same time Barett drops a full mag at the four left on the boat, and Tsai Lee does the same. The cross fire is deadly, the ambush classic in execution, Baretts bullets catching all four of the dogs on the boat, slamming them down. Utah gets a nice volley off to catching the point group completely off guard. Tsai Lee on the other hand, is not so good with the gun, it bucks in her hand and goes wild, punching holes in the boat, and spraying the area, barley missing Utah and Barett. After some clean up shots and thoat slicing by Tsai Lee they are able to get to patching the holes up with what ever they can find. Barett finds that doggie fingers fit nicely into bullet holes, and stops up most of the leaks. Taking a minute to gather ammo and weapons, don over their clothes the Black ops uniforms of the dogs and finding that the Gas mask the dogs were wearing help stop the nausea from the methane gas, they prepare to head up river to the Airport on the far side of the city.
Heading up river and to the bend where the other tributary feeds into the river, this part of the river is clean and the odor is gone. Seeing that the City is quiet except for the random military humvee, or transport they sink the boat under the first large bridge and sneak into the city. Finding an abandon hotel a mile or so from the airport they rest up for two hours letting Tsai Lee get some needed sleep. She is doing much better now, and is able to move on her own, even keeping up with Utah and Barett when they aren't running. What ever the Dogs put in their med packs is really good stuff, Barett needs to check this stuff out when they get back to base.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Africa ( the resolution in the land of HAM )

Barett and Utah didn't expect to spend the next 5 days walking across the desert. The girl was suffering from an infection and could use more water and rest, and some good medicine. Barett and Utah were taking turns carrying her, walking at night and sleeping during the day. By day six Barett wondered if Tsai lee was going to make it, they had come across a small dune, just outside of the city Utah had plotted out for them. Down at the bottom was piles of new cars, fountains and the trappings of modern life. But there was no one, no gas in the cars, not one living soul. Truck tracks showed that people had been coming and going, but no one stayed. Deciding that this was to off and creepy they borrowed some nice robes, and crept over the hill in the dark. About halfway down Barett slips on the lava rock encrusted dune, making a loud racket. Hearing movement above and to the left of them they dodge just in time to miss the volley of bullets sprayed down on them. With only limited rounds Barett and Utah return fire and then rush the position a mere 30 feet away. Three " Dogs of War" troops were dug in, keeping an eye on the refugee camp down in the valley below. The destination for Utah and Barett, but now they were fighting three well armed and rested German shepard mixes. Barett makes six good shots and drops the first, but he is left with only two more bullets. Jumping into the mix he makes straight for the second guy, striking him with knee kicks and fists to the throat, dropping him and only taking some minor damage. Utah manages to quickly take down the third guy, and quickly secures the large covered fox hole they were hiding in. Finding that no one else was around, they dragged the bodies back into the foxhole and took their water and rations. Stripping the weapons and radio off these guys and getting some short rest they head down to the refugee camp.