Monday, June 22, 2009

The brothers' zodiac

In both Dave's adventure in Europe and Barett's adventure in prison there has been mention of zodiac signs.  I remember Brett and Blaine agreeing that the brothers be born under the sign of the Gemini, the twins.  I think the date was on the cusp close to Taurus.  This is interesting as Utah has more Taurus like traits while Barett is more Gemini.  Dave is on the cusp of Sagittarius and Scorpio, the exact opposite of Utah and Barett.  He compliments them while also opposing them.  I see Rick as a Leo.  I don't know if that is his real sign, but here is why I think that.  Fire signs are very adventurous.  Leo, atop of this, is all about expression and getting noticed.  Rick's bigger than life weapons, vehicles, and equipment confirm this.  A second reason is Rick's famous hair.  Leo's are often known by their luxurious manes.

However, it was the signs of the Chinese zodiac that I wished to discuss.  I see Dave as a Tiger.  The tiger is bold and daring.  He tends to reckless behavior, often leaping at opportunities.  Tigers prefer first hand experience to second hand knowledge.  Furthermore, they are attracted to the unusual and surprising.  They tend to be optimistic and intuitive.  In love, they dislike too much restraint.  They are attracted to independent partners who share a love of adventure.  There is a risk that tigers will grow bored of a relationship and will seek new possibilities.  Career wise, tigers prefer simple and direct tasks.  Tigers are energetic and rise to the challenge.  However, failure can take the wind out of their sails.

If Dave is a tiger, that makes the twins the sign of the Boar.  The boar is honest and forthright in dealings.  He tends to be reserved with strangers, showing affection only to close friends and loved ones.  Boars tend to be a little naive socially, often saying the wrong thing or otherwise coming of as a little awkward.  However, as they are very genuine, this is forgiven or dismissed.  Boars are idealistic .  Moreover, they hold their own reputation in high esteem.  In love, the boar may have trouble with those that wish to exploit his trust.  However, a failed relationship does not bring him down.  Observant and imaginative, boars make a rewarding lover to those that give them the chance.  Career wise, boars balance work with their daily lives, not letting either unbalance the other.  Boars dislike risk and err on the side of caution.  They prefer cooperative duties.  Boars are intelligent, and pick up on things quickly.

Rick would be a Rat.  Rats are opportunistic, taking action before anyone else can even determine what is going on.  Rats are quick to asses a situation.  Ambition can sometimes drive away friends.  Despite this, the rat is generous and loyal.  Rats are witty and mix well in a social setting.  Yet, they fiercely guard their private life.  In love, the rat is sensual and passionate, even fearless.  Rats are deeply emotional and can be hurt easily.  Rats can be quite charming.  Career wise, the rat is meticulous and adaptable, often tackling several projects at once.  Just the same, it is advise the rat not overstep his bounds.  The rat is prone to criticism and impatience with coworkers.

Fisher would be an ox.  The ox is reserved and stable.  Firmly grounded, the ox goes about things in am orderly and well-reasoned fashion.  The ox is highly opinionated.  She is patient and sturdy, disliking risk.  The ox is prone to over-thinking, which may lead to depression.  In love, the ox is tender and caring.  She is not overly romantic and must be encouraged to have fun.  Career-wise, the ox prefers to work behind the scenes.  The ox takes her work very seriously.  She is highly skilled and very organized.

I see Tsai Lee as a snake, making her six years younger than Barett.  However, these are her traits.  The snake is intellectual and decisive.  She has little patience with that that does not stimulate her mind.  She is quick to assess a situation.  She is competitive and confident.  The snake is loyal and caring to those she trusts.  In love, she is flirtatious and seductive.  She enjoys her freedom while prone to jealousy of her lover.  The snake is romantic and loves to tease, being quite playful.  Career-wise, she is very controlled.  The snake spots a problem and deals with it in a restrained and collected manner.  Independent work is best.  Jobs require both courage and patience suit the snake well.  Snakes have a sharp memory.  However, time must be set aside to relax and to contemplate, lest the snakes energy be depleted.

By the way, this information is from Chinese Astrology by Man-Ho Kwok.  Other sources may have different information  Also, the book is far more in depth.  This is more broad strokes.  Anyhow, let me know how much or how little you think this relates to your character.  I found it, for the most part, surprisingly accurate.  My biggest concern is both Barett and Utah as boars, but having distinct traits.  Barett can be awkward in a social setting, however, Utah is the honest and forthright one.  Hmm.


Dave Crockett Coontail said...

Something I forgot to mention about the Chinese zodiac is that there is an additional modifier to each of the twelve signs. These modifiers are based on the five elements (or rather permutations) of Chinese cosmology. They are:

Metal: Active, direct, creative, hard
Water: Sensitive, emotional, deep, aware
Wood: Interactive, social, changeable, adaptable
Fire: Intelligent, controlling, skilled, prominent
Earth: Sturdy, responsive, patient, reliable

As the twins would fall last in the zodiac, Rick, Dave, and the others would be categorized under the next element. For instance, if the twins were metal boars, the rest would be water. As earth does not quite fit in with Rick and Dave, I doubt the twins would be fire boars.

Another interesting thing about this is that we can extrapolate exactly what year it is in the Coontail universe. As the last year of the pig was 2007, one could keep adding 12 years, then add the age of the twins to the desired result. In the case that the twins are determined to be a specific element, i.e. water, wood, then simply add 60 years from a year of that specific boar, then add the twins' age to that result.

For instance, 2019, 2079, 2139, and so on for a metal boar. Add age for the current year.

Barett Coontail said...

It would almost seem that the Twins would be Rats and Rick would be the Boar.
What does a Metal Rat look like ?

Barett Coontail said...

May be perhaps a Fire Rat would be the personality conflicts that they face. Speaking of the Twins, that is.

Dave Crockett Coontail said...

If Rick was a boar, then the twins would be dogs and Dave would be an ox. Dogs are regarded as honest, courageous, loyal, but pessimistic. If the twins were rats, Rick would be an ox and Dave a hare

Each sign occurs in set series, one for each lunar year. They are:

Rat 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008
Ox 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009
Tiger 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010
Hare 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011
Dragon 1964 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012
Snake 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013
Horse 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014
Ram 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015
Monkey 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016
Rooster 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017
Dog 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018
Boar 1971,1983, 1995, 2007, 2019

The interesting thing about having the twins be boars is that boars are very helpful, even offering assistance to those that don't want it. As Utah and Barett pretty much guide the brothers' fate, it could be this need to help others that lands them in so much trouble. Why else help the Brits? Barett may not follow this as closely as Utah. Utah is the classic hero, though, risking his life to help those in need.

Blaine (the real one) is a metal boar. You, me, and Aaron are water rats.

Dave Crockett Coontail said...

I just did a bit more research on boars. You may find this interesting.

Some find those born in the year of the pig to be perfectionists (Utah Blaine). They also enjoy the best the world has to offer in dining and clothes. They are very intelligent and avid readers (Barett). They are very noble in manner and demeanor.

Dave Crockett Coontail said...

Okay, so upon further inspection the year of the boar is perhaps not the best sign for Barett and Utah. It seems each trait applies either to Barett or Utah Blaine, but not both. Other traits don't seem to match up well with either brother.

I toyed around with it and found one other viable option that may match more adequately.

Suppose the twins were born in the year of the fire ox. Oxen are sturdy, reliable, and cautious. They avoid taking unnecessary risks, or in some cases any risks at all. Although trustworthy themselves, they are wary of strangers.

This distrust seeps into their personal lives. Romantic entanglements tend to be superficial, as oxen guard their feelings well. However, should a partner win their trust, oxen can be loving, caring, tender, and devoted lovers. Oxen are not romantic or extravagant. Their natural caution may cause them to miss opportunities or keep them from meeting new people. Often they must be urged or coerced into having fun. They prefer a simple night in.

At work they are serious, conservative, modest, steady, constant, meticulous, and patient. They prefer to work without a deadline. They are detail oriented. Oxen form strong opinions and can be quite stubborn.

Fire oxen are natural leaders. A combination of reliability and caution ensure that tasks are completed correctly and with minimal risk. Fire also makes fire oxen more bold and daring than their cousins.

I think this captures Barett's many love affairs, his innate paranoia, and his steady nature. With Utah, it reflects his need to control a situation as well as his leadership abilities.

If the twins are oxen, then Rick would be a tiger. The tiger embraces confidence, competition, and adventure. The tiger is fun-loving and bold. However, he may be prone to reckless behavior. I think Rick has always competed with his brothers. Why else would he have the biggest gun, the biggest truck, or whatever? Rick enjoys a challenge an is unlikely to settle down.

Dave would be born in the year of the dragon. His biggest trait is his charisma. He can be very persuasive. He is also perceptive and makes a good listener. However, he is prone to spells of anger. He is outspoken, not one to keep his mouth shut. His love affairs are tempestuous, but fleeting. He is unlikely to pine for an old flame. However, should he not wish to lose a partner, he can be fiercely devoted. At work, he is energetic, dynamic, industrious, and successful. He prefers to work alone as coworkers have trouble keeping up with him.

The only problem I can see with this set up is that Fisher would be born in the year of the rabbit. The rabbit is very timid. This would not suit her well. I always imagined Fisher as being much older than Dave anyhow, so adding a couple of years to make her an ox would be fine with me. She would be three years older than Dave instead of just one.

Barett Coontail said...

What would Sang ( the Chameleon )sign be. As he was older than us, he chould be a Snake...perhaps a metal Snake. His would be a hard one to pin down. Perhaps we could get more info on what Sang is up to these days.

Dave Crockett Coontail said...

From what I remember Bill saying is that Tsang was a member of the royal family and that he had been exiled due to some shakespearean plot within the family, possibly his brother's doing. he likely went back to Japan to reclaim his place in the royal line.

As to his sign, he seems very much like a snake. I'm not sure how much older he is. I imagine from ten to twenty years older. That would make him either wood or water. Wood represents travel, communication, and change. Water represents depth, sensibility, and wit. Water is also the most dangerous of the elements because of its unpredictable nature.

He was quite unpredictable, often leaving the group to dispatch of enemies in his own ninja like manner. This could account for his water element, or could mean he is a tiger.

I do like the twins and Fisher being oxen with Rick as a tiger and Dave as a dragon. I suppose Tsai Lee would fall between Rick and Dave in age. If Tsang was also a dragon, that would make him 12 or 24 years older than Tsai Lee, or in his mid 30s or late 40s.

Dave Crockett Coontail said...

My mistake. I confused the snake and the hare in where they ffell in the zodiac. The snake is after the dragon, making Tsai Lee either a year younger than Dave or 11 years older.

This would put Tsang (were he a snake) also 11 years older than Dave, possibly even 23 years older, but that may be too old.