Monday, July 6, 2009

Retroactive changes

In the many years that the brothers have been around, is there anything in their backstory or in any particular adventures that you would change?  I wonder because there are a couple of things that bother me.

The first was an early adventure in which someone had attempted to rob the garage at night.  The brothers all went into pursuit mode.  Dave crashed and rolled the race car.  Utah swore never to ride with him again.  I am fine with that part of it.  However, after catching the culprits, Dave took his little chainsaw out of the trunk (he kept it for harvesting armor from other vehicles) and started it up.  He held it up to one of the robbers intending to scare him.  At this point I as a player bowed to peer pressure.  When urged to finish him off, I had Dave do it.  I regretted it immediately after and ever since.  I really don't think Dave would have done that.  In fact, had he killed in such a gruesome fashion, I don't think he would ever recover from it.  If possible, I would go back and rewrite that scenario.  it didn't help that Lumpy witnessed this horrific execution.

Speaking of Lumpy, I would also go back and completely delete Dave's seduction of Lumpy.  For one thing, I had based that scenario on a misinterpretation of past events, thinking there was a past relationship where there was none.  Secondly, she just isn't Dave's type.  Moreover, I don't think Dave would have done it even if it was just to piss off Utah.  The whole thing stands out as being uncharacteristic.  This is aggravated by the fact that I as a player pushed for it in the first place.  Blogging a short story is one thing, but trying to wrangle up some story during game play just doesn't fly and I apologize.

Other than that I can really not think of much else.  Oh, yeah.  There was a previous trip to Europe that the brothers made that I think should be nulled.  It is more interesting by far to think of the present trip to Europe as their first.  Of course, Utah Blaine is exempt as he had gone to Scotland during his Mission.


Barett Coontail said...

I to would re-write some things ( a revisionist history if you will ). But the question being, how would you rewrite it ?

I would love to hear your ideas.

I have tried to leave most "real" romantic interludes left out of game play, at least in the last 15 years or so. Some of the early stuff was just what it was. Teenagers with hormones running wild.

Some things about Ricks early history and the like need some revision.

We should clean it up a bit, I agree.

Dave Crockett Coontail said...

By re-write, I basically mean as you say, a kind of revisionist history of the brothers. A lot of what the brothers did was apocryphal and allowances must be made for guest game masters, hormones, revenge stories, and that sort of thing. Oddly, most of the adventures that I can recall I would leave pretty much as is. I must confess that what I can remember when I do remember is usually just bits and pieces at this point. However, there is a genuine feel to the brothers' world and to their characters and individual subplots. That is the least I would leave unchanged.

At one point I had a brothers' timeline. I probably still have it. Even then it was incomplete and covered only the bare minimum. Also, since I wrote it it was partial to Dave's experiences. However, the more captivating scenarios regarding the other brothers were noted whenever possible.