Thursday, October 9, 2008 A.D..The village

It was right out of some 1970's National Geographic magazine, right down to the fuzzy lens shot, there sat the small village. The red mud walls about ten feet tall, small one man look out towers unevenly spaced along it, the out line less a geometric shape and more a exageration of the natural roll and twist of the small valley it was sprawled in. Larger than it looked from the distance, the village contained several large buildings, multiple entrances and one large church like complex in the center. On the west side were several large fields and stock yards, and a large gap between the towers along that wall. The strange thing to Barett was that this village did not show up on any of the intel maps he had seen, or even a hint of one on the map he now carried. By now it was almost 2:30 in the morning, things were pretty quiet, almost dead in the village.
" There are no incandescant lights in this place." whispers Utah to Barett, " That just ain't right, all the lights we saw are lanterns and fires, best to not disturb the locals. I say we sneak in on the west side into the gardens, check the place out."
Barett agrees, the plan being to throw rocks at opposite sides to distract the guards and jump over the wall in the middle at the darkest spot. Barett goes first, swinging over the wall and into the gardens quietly. Utah makes the jump good but catches his foot on a wooden grape vine support, breaking the wood, the shaking grapes, making a loud noise. Running through the garden to the church like building, they hear the beating of metal drums, a warning cry goes up through the whole village. Managing to sneak into the large church building and climb the small tower, Barett can see dozens of people gathering along the wall. Strangly they stay on either side of what would be considered the middle of the village. After some cursory searching the two parties start arguing with each other. Deciding that this distraction would work well for cover, the brothers start to sneak over to the largest building on the north end. They leave the church, at least thats what they called it, more like a cross between a buddist temple and a country cathedral, with a large fat hippo statue at the head, behind a podium. They make thier way almost two hundred feet before popping around a corner, only to scare a small child. Instantly it screams, that high pitched, nails on chalkboard, but higher decibel level, death scream. As he is running towards the large building, people start streaming from the small huts along the way, Barett thinks, ' where did all these people come from and why do they even have metal drums at all, this kid is better than a air raid siren ? '
Diving through the makeshift window on the wall closest to him,in to the largest building in the village, as two seperate groups converge on him. Barett finds himself in what appears to be a large, medevil design but operating, distillery. Large wooden barells, charcoal stoked fires, tubes and vats. Thinking that his last flash/boom grenade in here would make a great distraction, he contemplates blowing the whole thing up. Looking around he notices that Utah did not come through the window with him, he is no where to be found. 'Where the hell is Utah' thinks Barett. Heading for the door on the east side he is confronted by villagers with farm tools, spinning to the west he can see a large elephant at the head of another group. Slowing down enough to realize that killing all these people is a bad idea, he waits for them to make the next move, slowly lowering his rifle and waiting on them.
The large bipedal Elephant speaks in a think south african accent, difficult to understand when added with his bad lisp. " How did you get past the predators, how did you get in ?" Barett finally makes out after the third time. Seeing that none of them are carrying guns, but tribal swords and spears mixed with farm tools , he relaxes a little more. " I killed it with my big boom stick. " Says Barett loudly, shaking his rifle in front of him. " Nasty little bugger, quick as hell."
"You killeddd de Predetor, You kiillleddd de nasssty ?" Spits out the Elephant surprised.
"Yea, I killed it." says Barett throwing down the metal dart he took from it.
The whole crowd goes hush, as they look back at Barett then the dart.
"You work for me, do job. " says the Elephant, all excited now, Barett can tell he is not all with it, a bit slow. " Be big man, much good, Silver bars in it for you, food, women, what you want?"
" Sure " says Barett, " lets do it now, who do I need to kill?.....where is the target ?"

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