Friday, October 10, 2008

L. in A.d. ( The confrontation )

Barett's plan, at least the version he could come up with in 30 seconds, is to get out of here and find Utah. He is trying to pressure these locals to let him move out of the building, he needs room to move, get a sense for what is going on. From what he can deduce from the elephant and others is that there is a rivalry going on in town. The two groups argue and fight over things and have divided the town in half. They are afraid to leave the village because of the Predators at night, and are fighting among themselves in the village during the day. No real blood has been spilt yet.
Barett moves out in to the small plaza in the center of the village, right next to the odd church. Trying to excite the villagers and make a lot of noise, in the attempt to find Utah. He brings the group right to the edge but they won't go further, stopping just at the halfway mark. From across the town the other group has assembled, two large crocadile bipedals are at the center, one holds a large caliber revolver, the only gun he has seen so far, the rest hold tribal swords and the like. Out of the big building on the southside, steps Utah, surrounded by six others. Barett is a little surprised to see him in the opposite camp, but it looks like from the way they are acting that they hired Utah for the same purpose as Barett, to control the whole village. Shouting insults at Utah, he tries to incite a riot, so that he can escape. No luck on that, just as things start heating up a large hippo bipedal steps out from a small hut, his priest like robes wrapped hastily around him. He starts calming the villagers down, " My brothers, my brothers. " he says. " Please calm yourselves, there is no need for violence, please stop." His large presence and charisma calm the crowd, he speaks in tones of love and the like, very convincing like. If Barett wasn't such a hardened solider he may have believed some of it. The elephant drags him away from picking a fight with the Hippo, and back to the large distillary. The building is really a series of interconnected structures, maze like in its configuration, one addition connected to another. He stills thinks that burning this whole place down may have been the right idea. The elephant leads him upstairs to a large, well decorated room where an old man sits, surrounded by lackies. This is the real leader, he questions Barett about a few things then summons a strange old women from the shadows. He didn't notice her before and gets a strange vibe that she is all trouble for him. The old man asks her to read the future about Barett and the other stranger. Before she even pulls out her bag of magic crap, he butts in.
" Look I'm trouble and death for everyone around me." He says with as much grit and menace that he can muster. " That other mans my brother, my twin brother. I can take him, and you.." pointing at the old man. " Will rule this village, is that not what you wanted ? " The old man nods at Barett then waves his hand at the Witch. She throws some bones with writing on them on the ground, and spits in her hands, mumbling something to herself. She looks up at Barett and then to the old man. " He will betray you, he is dangerous. " she snarls between her rotting, black teeth.
" I told you that I'm trouble, but I will do my part, I will shoot this man." says Barett.
The old man looks him over and the old witch, then over to the elephant.
" We can't do anything till dawn as long as the priest is here, we will wait till then, find him a comfortable room to rest till then." and motions for Barett to leave.
On his walk to the room Barett finds out that the village makes a alcohol that is picked up from men that come in trucks about once a month, another 3 weeks away. The other group on Utah's side of town grow the grain they use to make the alcohol, there has been some problems in the past. Then the Hippo priest came in, then things settled down, but the old tensions are still there. The Priest is an outsider, someone they think was sent by the people who buy the alcohol. But none of these things really matter to Barett, right now he is going to get some needed rest, at lest for three hours.
In the morning, having slept with his hand on his gun, he marches right out to the plaza. " Hey you ignorant, slob come out and fight me. " He screams at the top of his lungs, towards the other big house. Utah steps out not long afterwards with a Girl Barett recognizes, Tsai Lee, the swordwomen. The two crocs are with him also. Barett keeps yelling at Utah and pointing to his chest where the armor plate is, signalling him to shoot him there. Just to get things started Barett shoots the croc with the pistol in the head. It was a clean shot and he drops where he stood, this agrivates the other croc and he lunges at Barett. Utah commands him to step back, but he still goes forward. Hitting Barett in the shoulder with a tribal sword ( well more like a machete ). Utah fires at the same time hitting the croc and killing him. Barett falls back and lets the body of the croc fall on top of him, faking death.
This event causes the whole crowd on both sides to go wild, and a massive riot rolls out through the whole village. Seeing an oppertunity to leave Utah grabs Barett, swings him over this shoulder. " He is one of mine, I will do what I want with him. " He yells, as they approach to tear Barett's body limb from limb. The Hippo priest is trying desperately to restore order but the whole thing has turned into one big bar brawl. Being ignored for now Utah starts walking out of town, Barett over his shoulder and the girl in tow. Barett whispers," Lets get some food and water before we go, maybe start some fires on the way out." Utah agrees and sends Tsai lee to start some homes on fire, as they grab some food at the little shop by the gate.
Barett learns from Utah that they had Tsai Lee tied up in the basement, naked and tortured. She had been sent on a mission almost 4 weeks ago that had gone wrong, and she was left here. They gave her to Utah to work for them. Clothed and with a tribal sword she walked with them out into the desert. Barett knew she was trouble, he was just hoping it was the good kind of trouble.

1 comment:

Barett Coontail said...

Barett is having some fustration with the village, especially after getting hit with a sword. He has a laundry list of questions, and no answers. Who are these people in the village that does not show up on the maps ? Why are the predators running around the outside, like guard dogs around a prison ? And what animal/thing did the killing that they found outside the village ? And who are the people that come to get the brew ? Maybe the girl knows, maybe she does not, but she has been around longer than they have. He will need to find out what she knows.