Friday, September 5, 2008

Coontail mystery V ( the final chapter )

After all the crazy poems and insanity Barett finally gets to do some real shoot and scoot. After pulling in a favor from a pilot buddy of his, Barett is falling quickly from the helicopter, into the darkness below. Its just before complete dark, with the last rays of light filtering across the bay. His parachute strapped to his back, and gear stored all over his body, he plans on hitting the water just outside the naval base and swimming over to the building he figures is hiding the secrets that he needs. The water is bitterly cold as he splashes down a mere 300 yrds from his target. Ditching the parachute and donning his Scuba gear, he swims to the west side of the building, only to find no cover. Swiming to the other side of the pennisula, by the boat dock, he finds a little more cover but lots of cameras. Setting some explosives on nearby sailboats, he creates a large diversion. Having sunk his Scuba gear and changed into some black BDU's, he waits for the cameras to switch, holding onto his supressed H&K mp5 with night sights. Two figures exit the building and the cameras swing to them. Hitting the first figure and dropping him, the second dives for cover, after a small firefight the second drops. Rushing the buildings middle entrance he quickly climbs up to the roof, sneeking across to the skylights on the west side. Cutting a hole in the plexiglass bubble and letting himself down a rope into a massive warehouse, he scans the interior, pallet racks of navy crates fill the space and one lone light shines out on the far west wall. Making his way across the large space Barett sees two figures run down a hallway on the eastside, not having noticed him hiding in the shadows. The west side has a 2-story office set up, with exterior stairs to the top floor, High security doors and windows run along the side. Deciding to take one of the forklifts an run it into the window with a light on, he hopes to rush the door surprising the people inside. The noise of the forklift brings two guards from the hiall behind him first, shooting and catching the first with a shot to the head the second ducks for cover and is only grazed. By now the high security door opens and two mp's with M-16A4's pop out, he opens up the MP5 on them, starting a small firefight. A shot from behind grazes him across the thigh as bullets fly from both directions. Dropping both the MP's with the Mp5 he tosses a flash grenade into the room just as two more MP's rush at him, the bang and flash giving him the advantage as he ducks behind the concrete outerwall. Cracking the first guy out with the butt of his gun, he swings his leg out to knock the other over, only to miss. Engaging in hand to hand combat, he repeatedly smashes his gun butt into the two MP's till they go down. Swinging out of the range of the guy behind him in the dark warehouse, He jumps into the room spraying the entire room with a full clip from the MP5, an amazingly accurate burst combined with the grenade has left no one standing in the room. Shutting the door and bracing it with a chair, Barett finds himself in a covert operations room, with live feed of a operation, the video feeds show a small farm house, " This is a total goatf**k" he thinks, looking for another way out Barett grabs a laptop and a dead Admirals ID off the ground and heads out the only other door in the room on the west side. ( He hopes that he can make it out to the parking lot on the northwest side. ) Using the security card he comes to a room full of topsecret files, finding his and the man responsible for this whole thing. Making his way out dressed as a MP he took out, Barett makes it to the parking lot only to be confronted by another, he sucker punches him, knocking him out with one punch. Stealling a suv he makes his way to the House on the hill.

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