Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Coontail mystery ( the post log )

From the files Barett had taken from the Navy ops. center he learns that the Rich Rat, is a very powerful man. He does a lot of Business with the Pacific City states Navy, and the government, and has his hands into lots of things, but appears to be above board. The folder does contain a psych.evaluation that provides a lot of light on why things happened the way they did. According to the eval. the guy was obsesive about his reputation, that he was always clean. It seems that the whole event and problems with Barett at the college, was in a home owned by the Rich Rat. When things went down, he was called in and questioned by the police. He blamed Barett for the whole incident and felt it damaged his reputation, a blemish that he didn't deserve. He had invented things in his head and was hearing voices he thought were from old statues that he kept in his personal museum. The norns, or the three fates of Norse mythology, were some statues that he thought were telling him what to do. That is to kill Barett, problem that he was having was that Barett's alias had no history, the Rat just thought he was some punk college professor. When things proved more diffucult and Barett made the rush on his house ( though not sucessful by Barett's standards ), he ran scared. Now there is a lot of dead people spread across the northwest because one paranoid rich guy got burned by accident.
Barett is cleaning up the whole mess now, covering his trail and looking to make sure his cover is still good. If it looks bad, or things don't settle down he will need to go under deep cover and hunt down this Rich Rat. Some things that Barett did learn was that his training as a sniper saved his life, but his lack of a large edged weapon and training with one, was a major problem. He is looking into taking some classes on sword fighting. He is also setting up some other safe houses all along the coast.

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