Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Coontail mystery ( the post log )

From the files Barett had taken from the Navy ops. center he learns that the Rich Rat, is a very powerful man. He does a lot of Business with the Pacific City states Navy, and the government, and has his hands into lots of things, but appears to be above board. The folder does contain a psych.evaluation that provides a lot of light on why things happened the way they did. According to the eval. the guy was obsesive about his reputation, that he was always clean. It seems that the whole event and problems with Barett at the college, was in a home owned by the Rich Rat. When things went down, he was called in and questioned by the police. He blamed Barett for the whole incident and felt it damaged his reputation, a blemish that he didn't deserve. He had invented things in his head and was hearing voices he thought were from old statues that he kept in his personal museum. The norns, or the three fates of Norse mythology, were some statues that he thought were telling him what to do. That is to kill Barett, problem that he was having was that Barett's alias had no history, the Rat just thought he was some punk college professor. When things proved more diffucult and Barett made the rush on his house ( though not sucessful by Barett's standards ), he ran scared. Now there is a lot of dead people spread across the northwest because one paranoid rich guy got burned by accident.
Barett is cleaning up the whole mess now, covering his trail and looking to make sure his cover is still good. If it looks bad, or things don't settle down he will need to go under deep cover and hunt down this Rich Rat. Some things that Barett did learn was that his training as a sniper saved his life, but his lack of a large edged weapon and training with one, was a major problem. He is looking into taking some classes on sword fighting. He is also setting up some other safe houses all along the coast.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Coontail mystery V (the house )

Barett looks himself over as he sits in the SUV at the bottom of the hill. The large house on the top smells of money and excess, an exotic design of Korean and domestic woods, it lays on a tactically superior position. Having took more damage than he first thought, he wraps his multiple wounds, and plans his approach to the house. Sneaking in the undergrowth, he can see through the large windows a Beautiful women with a sword walking around. Even at 2 am. there is still some activity in the house. Swinging around to the side he jumps the high wall and sneaks around to the back. The house is a series of connected buildings, interlaced with bridges and paths from one to the next. He can faintly make out conversation on the far side of the complex. Tripping an alarm he dives under one of the bridges for cover, shooting at the guard that comes looking for him. The return fire of a shotgun catches his leg, stinging the flesh, leaving the guard in his hiding spot around the corner of the building wounded. Barett busts into the back room attempting to make his way towards the front door and out, only to be intercepted by two guards with swords, striking one with the butt of his gun as he runs by. The other slices him across the shoulder with his sword. Deciding that this doesn't look so good for him, Barett makes a quick dash for the front, shooting out the large glass window and diving through. Running off into the dark forest, dodging and weaving. Scrambling into the SUV he heads into town, licking his wounds and rethinking his options, realizing that the farmhouse that was being shown on the screens in the operation room was his, he heads to his backup safehouse, a storage unit in town, loaded with ammo and guns, medical equipment and a motorbike.
After a few days of rest and some Stiching, he scouts out a small island for an meeting/ ambush. Sending a note to the Rat on the hill to meet him there in a few hours, Barett sets the trap. On the beach he plans a funnel trap, a series of booby trapped positions leading back into the forest with a truck at the back for a quick escape if needed, with a boat on the far side of the island. Just as he is setting the final traps up, a helicopter sweeps the island. Pulling out his .50 cal sniper rifle he shoots out the motor with several well placed shots just above the cockpit. The copter shudders, then smoke pours from the back, it limps down just north of him and bounces down on another small island. Heading back to the truck with a small boat in tow, Barett plans to head over to the copter, when he sees a navy troop boat speeding right at his position. Slapping some armour piercing rounds into the .50 cal, he places several rounds right into the pilots windshield. Taking cover behind the large dodge truck, he shoots at the attackers on the boat, as it crashes into the beach. The front opens and a dozen heavily armed black ops guys jump out. Looking for the one giving signals, and dodging behind the truck, Barett places two called shots to the leader, dropping him. Then picks off the closest guy to him, in the next volley of gun play.
Looking for the second in command, Barett focuses his fire on him and drops him, as he dodges behind the truck for cover. The return fire swiss cheeses the truck, leaving it useless for cover. Laying a volley of surpressing fire down, he heads back into the forest, hoping to lead them into his trap. It looks like a full team of sixteen was sent after him, only twelve remain on the beach now, one having escaped over to the right, trying for a ambush. Falling back to his first postion in the trees behind a log, he knocks down two more before needing to reload. Ditching the empty .50 cal, he brings up the .308 H&K, loading in more armor rnds spots out of the corner of his eye the large guy on the left moving in for a ambush. Dropping several rounds his direction, thinking he may have winged him with one, he goes back to concentrating on the now ten guys moving towards him. Bullets bite into the log and buzz all around him, but none manage to hit. Looking for the next guy giving directions he starts snapping off shots his directions, hoping to draw them closer to him, into the first claymores, just ten feet into the forest undergrowth. The black ops guys are good, but were caught off guard by the bad landing and death of thier leader, scrambling to regroup and form a good line, they concentrate fire at his position and move forward. Several shoots nick him as they blast his superior cover away. Diving back and sneaking through the forest he scans for the guy on his left, trying to backdoor him. Catching sight of him he fires repeatedly at him, after a small firefight the would be ambusher goes down. Sneaking over to his second line, Barett sets up his fire lane and picks off the point guy making his way into the trees, then ducks back down.
Letting them make the final few feet in, while he ducks for cover behind a large tree. Not expecting him to have laid a ambush of this level they walk right into it. When the smoke and dirt clear only five guys remain alive. Using his best trust and intimidate voice Barett yells at them. " Look, my beef is not with you, leave now and I'll spare your lives, other wise me and my men will ' lay you waste' Now go."
Having decided this mission was suicide, they make a quick tactical retreat and drive thier boat off the beach. Barett quickly makes his way to his boat on the far side and heads to the helicopter.
Beaching on the far side he sneaks over to the copter, engaging in a fire fight with a deadly operative, taking a few shots himself he backs him down into a thick jungle. Hearing him move and sensing a trap Barett throws a well placed frag grenade right at him. Killing a worthy opponent. Searching the island and not finding the Rich Rat, Barett makes his way back to the safe house, contemplating his next move.
Sitting in the storage unit, reviewing the stolen files and having just got back from the hospital and finding Mel and Tom in good shape and recovering, Barett thinks its time to end this game. When there is a knock on the door, approaching with gun drawn Barett she the snow leopard woman from the house, she tells him that her boss wants to end this and has called off the troops. Barett agrees to not kill him so that he can get back to his life.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Coontail mystery V ( the final chapter )

After all the crazy poems and insanity Barett finally gets to do some real shoot and scoot. After pulling in a favor from a pilot buddy of his, Barett is falling quickly from the helicopter, into the darkness below. Its just before complete dark, with the last rays of light filtering across the bay. His parachute strapped to his back, and gear stored all over his body, he plans on hitting the water just outside the naval base and swimming over to the building he figures is hiding the secrets that he needs. The water is bitterly cold as he splashes down a mere 300 yrds from his target. Ditching the parachute and donning his Scuba gear, he swims to the west side of the building, only to find no cover. Swiming to the other side of the pennisula, by the boat dock, he finds a little more cover but lots of cameras. Setting some explosives on nearby sailboats, he creates a large diversion. Having sunk his Scuba gear and changed into some black BDU's, he waits for the cameras to switch, holding onto his supressed H&K mp5 with night sights. Two figures exit the building and the cameras swing to them. Hitting the first figure and dropping him, the second dives for cover, after a small firefight the second drops. Rushing the buildings middle entrance he quickly climbs up to the roof, sneeking across to the skylights on the west side. Cutting a hole in the plexiglass bubble and letting himself down a rope into a massive warehouse, he scans the interior, pallet racks of navy crates fill the space and one lone light shines out on the far west wall. Making his way across the large space Barett sees two figures run down a hallway on the eastside, not having noticed him hiding in the shadows. The west side has a 2-story office set up, with exterior stairs to the top floor, High security doors and windows run along the side. Deciding to take one of the forklifts an run it into the window with a light on, he hopes to rush the door surprising the people inside. The noise of the forklift brings two guards from the hiall behind him first, shooting and catching the first with a shot to the head the second ducks for cover and is only grazed. By now the high security door opens and two mp's with M-16A4's pop out, he opens up the MP5 on them, starting a small firefight. A shot from behind grazes him across the thigh as bullets fly from both directions. Dropping both the MP's with the Mp5 he tosses a flash grenade into the room just as two more MP's rush at him, the bang and flash giving him the advantage as he ducks behind the concrete outerwall. Cracking the first guy out with the butt of his gun, he swings his leg out to knock the other over, only to miss. Engaging in hand to hand combat, he repeatedly smashes his gun butt into the two MP's till they go down. Swinging out of the range of the guy behind him in the dark warehouse, He jumps into the room spraying the entire room with a full clip from the MP5, an amazingly accurate burst combined with the grenade has left no one standing in the room. Shutting the door and bracing it with a chair, Barett finds himself in a covert operations room, with live feed of a operation, the video feeds show a small farm house, " This is a total goatf**k" he thinks, looking for another way out Barett grabs a laptop and a dead Admirals ID off the ground and heads out the only other door in the room on the west side. ( He hopes that he can make it out to the parking lot on the northwest side. ) Using the security card he comes to a room full of topsecret files, finding his and the man responsible for this whole thing. Making his way out dressed as a MP he took out, Barett makes it to the parking lot only to be confronted by another, he sucker punches him, knocking him out with one punch. Stealling a suv he makes his way to the House on the hill.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Tsai Lee

Tsai Lee comes from the Pearl River Delta of southern China, the city of Guangzhou, China (Canton). She is a daughter of the Heilong (Black Dragon) Triad Boss.

Her mother and father both come from the area of Lake Baikal Russia but moved to the highlands of Eastern Tibet and the mountains of Laos and China. Her parents then became immigrants after a forgotten war of the area and forced to move one more time to the low land cities of southern China. There they found it a hard go of things and lived a difficult living. Finally the family turned to the only thing they could get into; the secret societies of Gaungzhou. Tsia Lee's mother died a violent death shortly thereafter. Tsai Lee's father was left alone to take care of her, a younger sister, and a baby brother. He was not a good father but because of his skill in people management he rose quickly in the ranks of the triad. Tsai Lee and her siblings were raised by the gang members and had a special place of honor as pretty daughters and son of the second boss of the Triad.

Tsai Lee shared an inner part of the Triad circle and learned about society, morality, relationships, honor and such through the gang's rigid hierarchical order. Her father wished Tsai Lee and her sister to be elegant courtesans; flowers of the Triad. But Tsai Lee found she was more skilled in the martial arts than her sister and that she had a more aggressive side to her that led to her causing troubles offending many powerful individuals.

Tsai Lee is now a very beautiful Asian women with a scary hard-edge to her personality. She is assertive in her action but reserved in her demeanor. Her best skill is in the sword, in fact a master swordfighter and yet to meet an equal.

Tsai Lee is about 5' 5" tall, has long black hair with faint snow leopard markings, gray-yellowish eyes and a distinct dragon/phoenix tattoo on her back.