Thursday, June 19, 2008

Rick and Maria's trip II

Rick should have better things to do, he should be a good guest. But alas he is a Coontail Brother. Rick looks things over, and quietly sneaks back into his room, climbs out the window on to the porch, and waits for a minute, letting his eyes adjust. Looking around to make sure he is alone, and seeing that the coast is clear, he spider crawls along the edge of the building under the windows of the kitchen, where the light, throws square blocks of illumination onto the ground. He can hear the muffled sounds of Shelia talking to the help about food and towels, and the clinking of dishes. The rain has let up and the wind has calmed down, the fast moving storm has just about passed over and the stars are peeking through the clouds in spots. Rick can see a strip of light coming thru a window about 25 feet ahead, right in the room at the end of the hall. He prowls up to the window and sneaks a quick peek in before pulling himself tight againest the wall. The curtains are pulled tight but a thin triangle is left open at the bottom. From this limited postion he makes out a T.v. on, a large desk in one corner, tall bookcases line the far wall. The room is richly decorated with animal heads and antiques. The window is cracked slightly and could be opened from the outside. He waits and listens carefully, not hearing anything but the drone of the news on the tv, Rick figures he could enter the room unnoticed. Having scoped out the room as best he could he figures that no one is in there right now. What does he do ?


Rick Coontail said...

In he goes.

Barett Coontail said...

Rick cracks the old woodframed window out some more, and parts the curtains for a better view of the room. Seeing that all is clear, he eases himself over the window seal and on to the floor. It's a large room, tile floor with rugs, bookcases line the walls, a large leather couch sits in the middle of the room. There is a oak roll top desk up againest the outside wall.
The oak desk is locked, and the large safe in the corner is shut as well. A smoldering cigar sits in a ashtray, next to a large leather chair. Then you hear a toilet flush from a room to your left.
What does Rick do ?

Rick Coontail said...

Rick very quickly scans the room for a good hiding place, perhaps behind the couch or somewhere people wouldn't typically look. If there is no such place, then he will do one of two things. Go back out the window and peek back in or he will go out the door that is way from the flushing sound and hide in the hallway.

However, if worse comes to worse and he thinks there is no chance of getting away without being seen then he will simply sit down on the couch, relax and act cool, using his powers of seduction (not is a sexual way but a combination of impressiveness and depth of character) and charm/impress.

Barett Coontail said...

Rick looks around then jumps on the couch, puts his feet up on the ottoman and leans back.
A short man, with gray hair and a long gray beard steps out from the bathroom, brushing something from his smoking jacket. He has the apperance of Hugh Heffner, but shorter, a human with some hints of animal mix, but unable to be distinguished from here. He looks up at you with only mild surprise, smiles and sits down in his large leather chair.
" well...Mr. Rick you are earlier than I expected, but then again, my intel says you are rather unconventional."

He taps the end of the cigar and pulls in a large drag, blowing out a heavy column of smoke.

"where are my manners, would you like one ? But I rather think you would like to know why I brought you here, not an easy task mind you, then you go running off down the coast, I say.... you are rather unpredictable aren't you."

He smiles and leans back.

"Now, down to business, when I found out that you were coming this direction, and having read all about your recent exploits. I thought to myself, now here is a fellow that is perfect for the task. So I had the pilot drop you on this side of Cozo, and had Spanky bring you in to the cottage area. Yes I know them all, and I have a certain amount of pull, still...would you care to know why I have brought you here to Cozo?"

Barett Coontail said...

Background information that Rick is aware of.

Malta was a British Teritory until the 1960's, and they still have a military base there. It has a airstrip and basic military facilities, located on the south west side of the island on 500 heca-acres in a remote area. The resorts and casino's are on the north eastern side of the main island. Lots of retired wealthy people use Malta because of its great climate. The UK tends to have Generals that are nobleman ( they are landowners and politicians ) and still have power and are often still active on some level or other even after active service. Most of the large Private homes and resorts are owned by foreigners, the British really like the place because they are given special tax breaks by the government.
Rick however is a Yankee, the worst kind, a west coast cowboy. He will need to work on concealling that accent.

Rick Coontail said...

Rick refuses the smoke but says he will take a whisky. Then, sitting up straight he looks at the gentle man and evaluates the man for a minute. He is looking to see if he trust him or if he is just another “gungho” general wanting to strew them over.
Leaning back again Rick asks, “So, why did you want us here to Cozo and what are you looking for? I have three days of promised fun and relaxation with a very smart and attractive girl. But I have been a little busy of late and have not given her the needed attention and time someone of her caliber and worth deserves. Are you proposing that your needs override hers?

Barett Coontail said...

Rick can tell this is a powerful man, that he is used to getting his way. Whether he can trust him or not is yet to be told.

"Of course you should pay attention to the lovely Maria,"
He states matter of factly.

"But there is much to been done, So my boy I was hoping that you would help me with a simple wager. You see my friend, the Director of Borders and Security, belives that we are safe, that nothing gets through without him knowing. I believe that is HOGWASH. So all I need you to do is take this Large metal briefcase and sneak it all the way back to London and hide it under his desk, before monday morning......If you are sucessful, you may have the use of my modest home in Ireland on the coast for a Romantic weekend."

He pauses looks you over and smiles, pointing to a aluminum large briefcase in the corner of the room.

"There is one catch it has 'Depleted Uranium Rounds' inside, not enough to cause concern, but enough to set off the geiger counters and radioactive detectors....but as a plus I'm sending along Shelia to help you, she knows the back roads across Europe very you game?"

Rick Coontail said...

I'm game. But first tell me why Shelia wanted me to stay away from you? Was it your way of seeing if we would come visiting or is there something else you want to tell me?

Also, I am curious about what your job and goals are? I am thinking you are not some rich bored old cogger who has nothing to do but play games, but rather that you are still sitting somewhere important in some military "top brass" room somewhere. You have any proof? I have meet a lot of nut jobs who think they should be kings.

Barett Coontail said...

He leans forward and looks you over one more time,

"You are smarter than your profile gives you credit. I am General Wineburg, I run the 'Royal Green Jackets' we spend our time now..doing high detail security for diplomats and the like"

He smiles and draws a large drag then blows out rings, steps up to the mini bar in a globe and pours you a whiskey, and a brandy for himself.

"I did tell shelia that hoping your curiousity would draw you down here, if not I planned on visiting you later. As for my credentials, you may view my military I.D. if you like, but 'spanky' as you call him knows who I am. Or you could simply call your CO, I don't think he wants to know where you are.. though."

He sits back down and flips a military badge and coded I.D. over to you. Then points to a picture of him in uniform with the Queen at some castle.

"When you have eaten and are ready Shelia will drive you down to the ferry to catch a ride to your hotel, I have covered the cost of your Hotel here. Shelia has a small cash fund for light travel, you may use."

The I.D. is legit, as far as Rick can tell he is on the level.

He opens the door to the hall and escorts you out, handing you the metal Breifcase.

what does Rick do ?

Rick Coontail said...

Rick downs whisky.
“Thanks good. Mind if I have another?” Rick asks.
As the general turns his back he reaches over to the picture of General Wineburg with the royalty and pockets it. The he stands and grabs the briefcase to examine it. If it is not locked he will open it up and check out the contents to make sure what is in there is really what the general says.

After drinking his next glass Rick turns and excuses himself.
“I better go and get showered and cleaned up. I am thinking this might be the beginning of an interesting relationship with you.” He says and then heads down the hallway with the briefcase.

“It is time do to some ‘recon’ he thinks to himself.”
He wants to take a picture of the picture he pocketed and then give it to Barett to have him put it back in the room. It is one test to see how observant the general is. Second he wants to go and get as many pictures as he can of the compound with Maria get a digital recording for later use.