Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Barett as a Sheriff

During some down time, Barett went for some rest at a safehouse/farm he keeps up in the north country about 50 miles inland from the coast. ( truth is he was laying low to let some of the heat blow over, due to some unfortunate circumstances.) It's a small 40 acre plot outside of the town some 5 miles on a dirt road. There is a small 2-bedroom farmhouse, a carriage house converted to a garage and a large red barn plus various other small out buildings on the property, an overrun apple orchard and garden on the back side of the house and a horse corral next to the barn. There is a small stream that runs across the back with a pond, lots of pine trees and overgrown fields. Barett has run video cameras and motion detectors around the property, just in case. He's converted the root cellar into a weapons locker/ exercise room and had dug a small 24" tunnel from there out to the carriage house/ garage for quick exits. He keeps at the property a modified toyota land cruiser ( 1972 ) and some motorcycles, trailers and tractors, and a old 1950's farm truck he fixed up. Having found himself with lots of spare time, and low on money, he joined the volunteer fire department under a alias he kept around. When they saw his Toyota landcruiser, and his general knowledge of first aid and skills, he was asked to join the county seach and rescue. ( there is a small mountain lake and forest that people get lost or hurt in every summer) That meant being a reserve deputy, he did because it looked like fun. Besides, he thought, what is the best way to be unseen, is by being with the lookers. Things went well for about 3 months, then Mellisa moved up for the summer to stay with him. Right after Mellisa moved in the local sheriff and his deputy ( the sheriffs nephew ) quit the force over some argument with the county council. The county council begged Barett to be the temp sheriff until they could find a new one, so now here he was the local sheriff. Finding the whole situation to be rather ironic, he ran with it.
The county council waived his background check, because he was already a deputy, and gave him the keys to the small sheriffs office and jail cell at the back of the county building in town. He was in need of the money, due to some oversight on his part. You see Barett was being clever with his money, he put it in a trust fund, bought the farm and other things under the trust, to shake the trail of anyone looking for him. then the trust would deal out any payments and taxes. He put most of his money in that way but didn't leave any to live on, food and gas, and so forth. So the sheriff job was good for that part and it kept him doing things. Come to find out ammo was free with the job and he spent at least a hour a day at the range, and two hours working out and doing training. He also got the sheriff's truck to use, a stock 3/4 ton Dodge crew cab diesel, Barett did some modifications on to make more powerful and useful.
He didn't spend to much time arresting people, but he did a lot of prowling and growling, checking things out, watching the wanted posts on the fax. Spying on people that he thought were suspicious and getting to know the area well.

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