Thursday, June 12, 2008

Rick and Maria Take a trip

Not long after they arrived in London, an idea struck Rick. He wanted to show Maria a good time, go on a real date. Now Rick still thinks big, I mean thats what he does. Knowing that everyone needed to get jump certified ( that is they had to make six parachute jumps ) before two weeks, he scheduled a special drop for the last free fall jump they needed. He also planned a date with Maria, a big weekend on the town at the same time. Barett was in on the gig, he had meet a hot nurse over at the hospital, who was a real adrenaline junkie and liked jumping from planes. The game plan was a multi-level scam on the girls, First they would all schedule dates for thursday night, as friday was a holiday and they could be off for three days. Not due back till roll call and pt monday morning they figured this was their best chance. Rick had hacked the computer and put them in for a last minute drop on thursday afternoon.( emergency schedule, had to go) Then he planned out some hotels and the like ahead of time in the drop zone. Let the girls go shopping for some clothes, eat some good food and make their way back to base by monday morning, easy, simple, what could go wrong ?
Thursday afternoon they meet on the tarmack, Rick and Barett have packed extra bags, just in case. The girls are totally ticked off, knowing that this jump messes up the dates. Barett's left a UNODIR message for CO captain Joe and let Dave and Utah know their plans. As they load on to the plane Spanky comes rolling up and jumps in the plane, " hey guys glad I could catch this last plane, I totally needed this jump" as the plane starts to taxi down the runway.
Dang thinks Barett, like we need a third leg on this double date. He looks at Rick then back to Spanky. What does Rick do ? What did Rick pack in his SMALL bag ?


Rick Coontail said...

Rick pulls Spanky over and tells him that they are going to do a jump over the Mediterranean Sea with no pick-up so they will be finding their own way back within three days. Secondly, if he wants to come, he will have to find a girl to come with him all the way back within the first hour after touchdown or him and Barett will ditch him. (oh, and she needs to be as hot as Maria and Barett's nurse or it is a no go)

Barett Coontail said...

Spanky looks surprised, " this flight doen't go over......Oh I see " he says. He looks at Maria and Baretts date, Bridget, then looks back at you. " Tall order Sir, but I know that I can fill it." He smiles and checks over his gear, looks over the small twin prop plane and settles in for a nap, it being a three hour flight.
About 2 1/2 hrs into the flight the co-pilot comes back to talk to Rick. A tall lanky cat, with a thin mustache he has all the looks of a classic R.A.F. pilot. " Weather report shows some storm off the coast of gibralter, we are going to drop you on the north end of the Islands, instead of the south, good luck LT. Rick."
He smiles a thin grin and adds. " YOU ARE GO in T- minus FIVE minutes" then turns and heads back.
As you line up at the back, you can see a dark storm to the south, then one by one you jump from the plane, Spanky first and Rick last. The wind is stronger than you thought, and is pulling you farther out to sea. Rick is in charge, Barett signals that you should wait till you are really low to keep the group as tight as you can, and closer to land, but that is more dangerous. Ricks call...what does he do ?

Rick Coontail said...

Typical equipment
In a typical HALO exercise, a parachuter will jump with:
• altimeter
• automatic [parachute] activation device (AAD)
• knife
• helmet
• pair of gloves
• pair of military free-fall boots
• oxygen available on board the aircraft
• bailout oxygen
• 50-100+ pound combat pack with fighting and sustenance gear

Rick Coontail said...

This is great exercise for the group. Rick signals everyone to stay close and open 1500 feet about the ocean about 1/4 mile out. He then signals Spanky to take the lead and continue the H.A.L.O., as the first one out traditionally directs the course of the fall. They are going to have to swim this one.

Barett Coontail said...

Spanky leads you down, strange thing is he is really good.( come to find out he has done over 100 jumps ) he manages to make some good gigging lines, and brings you just off the northern shore. After ditching your parachutes and a short swim you manage to crawl up the beach. Barett and Spanky and you are doing great the water was nice and warm, the waves calm and the air calm. Maria and Bridget on the other hand are out of breath and tired. As you check your gear and get your bearings, Maria and Bridget start asking a lot of questions, like why did we fly so far to do this drop ? Where are we at ? Spanky has headed off down the beach towards a house when you see him come running back fast. He is waving his hands erratically and heading into the ocean surf, when you see six large dogs ( just regular dobermans...nothing else ) chasing him down. Looks like you landed on a private beach.. What does Rick do ?

Rick Coontail said...

Not wanting to draw too much attention, Rick suggest that they swim a little more.
"We will have to wait few more minutes before giving you girls any answers but I know you're going to love the surprise." Rick says giving Maria a very mischievous smile.
With that he grabs an extra item off Maria's load to help he out and wades out into the serf.

The Dogs would be easy to take care of, but that is not how he wants to start off this weekend long date.

Barett Coontail said...

Barett and Bridget follow them out into the surf, the waves are starting to pick up now as the storm is moving over the island. the swimming is tough, and the sun has just about gone all the way down now. Rick has lost sight of Spanky but can see the shore clearly. They swim for another thiry minutes then come back on shore. It's rocky and steep on this part, as they thread their way up the beach on to the land, about two hundred yards in is a dirt road, and a small orchard of lemon tree's, Barett sugests that they take up cover there and figure on their next move. The girls are tired from a second swim in the ocean, and getting cold as the wet clothes cling to their slim bodies. At one point Barett sugests they all get naked and let their clothes dry out, it didn't go over well. They have been about 30 minutes in the lemon grove, resting up and the like when a set of headlights starts coming down the road, from the direction of the private beach.
What does Rick do ? You are still missing Spanky.

Rick Coontail said...

"Well, I am thinking it is about time to flag down someone and get a ride to our hotel, don't you think?" Rick says to Barett and the girls, letting them know that he has a plan for them anyway. All four walk up to the road and wait for the car or truck to get closer.

(I am not sure if they are on the north island or on the north side of the south island. My guess is that the hotel and everything they want is on the south island)

Barett Coontail said...

Rick and Barett stand up front, weapons behind their backs, but ready. The lights from the small truck draw closer, then you hear the horn blaring at you. As the truck comes to a skidding stop just a few feet in front of you and Spanky jumps out,
" dudes, like totally where did you go, man...those dogs ended up being walked by a really cute, and nice girl, may I introduce Shelia..." and out from the truck steps this totally hot girl, maybe five foot two, thick black hair, down past her shoulders, dark olive skin and stripper build ( she has had some work done ) wearig some short shorts and a tank top. "
"Hello, I see we have some wet guests here, please come back to the cottage and warm up, at lest till the storm passes, my father is a retired General from England, and would love to have you as guests. " says Shelia.
Spanky is looking at you like, hey what do you know, I found a totally hot chick to, lets go for it.

What does Rick do ?

Rick Coontail said...

Well, of course with turns on the charm to impress the girl. He also checks to see if he trust her. It would be good for them to get out of the rain and start having a good time.

If Rick finds he trust Shelia then he will get Maria and Bridget up into the truck and head on over to whatever place Shelia has.

Barett Coontail said...

Rick likes this girl, she has a lot of spunk. Her accent is not english, but more a euro mix, hard to place. The storm is kicking up hard now, the wind is rocking the truck back and forth as it whips up off the beach. Sand and saltwater droplets sting your eyes and hands, before Rick can call to the girls they have jumped in the cab and Spanky has jumped in the back with you and Barett. Your charm worked on Shelia, so much so that Maria gave you a look, and Shelia gave you a wink. She drives like a banshee back to the cottage, which is more like a small complex. From the beach it looked like a regular small beach cottage but now that you are up on the bluff you can see its a large home, with multiple additions over the ages, a real maze of roof tops and walls. The buildings have that classic mediterranian look, white wash walls, with red tile roofs. Arches and open porches run the entire length of the exterior. Rick guesses that it is four to five thousand sqft. of house, plus some out buildings. As you roll into the garage, thunder roars out over the land and rain comes down in huge droplets the size of grapes. Shelia runs and grabs some towels and helps you dry off, she looks around and says. " My father is gone for the evening, but you are welcome to stay, there are four guest bedrooms down on this left side, please don't travel past the kitchen in the center, I'll whip up some food."

Barett Coontail said...

As Rick leaves his room, clean and dried he can see down the hall to the kitchen, not more than 20 feet away. Shelia is cooking something over the stove and a older woman in a apron is helping her. They have their backs to you and are completely distracted. There is a small dining room to the right, and a living room to the left, straight ahead is a long hallway, to a large's only a short 5 foot opening to the kitchen, you would need to cross to get to the other side of the house, the area Shelia told you not to go into. Rick can hear noise, and see some light from under the door, but can not make out anything coherant. He is much faster than the others who are still changing...what does Rick do?

Rick Coontail said...

Of course the minute someone says don't do something, Rick takes that as a challenge to do it. It is time to practice his hiding and sneaking.
He first quietly looks for any other alternative route passed the kitchen, like out the window or another hallway. If not, he will just move slow and quiet behind Shelia and the other woman.