Sunday, April 28, 2013

Suicide Mission: Attacking the Cristina O' in Port

Utah didn't like the quiet, it was a bad sign. Sitting in the dark, the metal cooling and clicking in the background, while they sat staring at each other. Everyone was thinking the same thing, there was a good chance they would all die, and the E.o.H would get its minerals back.
Finally Barett spoke up.
" Look our best chance is with the element of surprise and a method of non-restraint. I understand that Roman is very important, but the Minerals are probably the most important thing to save and remove from anyone but us using, so I suggest we slap on these dead dudes uniforms and armor, fly this bad boy helicopter back to the ship while two of us launch a small attack on the ship. That should create enough confusion that we could lure out the biggest players. We plan on killing everyone but Roman and save all the documents we can. It is a little harsh, but should save a few of us from dying, maybe."
Barett defered back to Utah, hopeful that he had a better idea.
Utah scratched at his scabbed up forehead wound and scowled, it was his thinking face Barett and Rick recognized. Finally he spoke up.
"Alright, we go with Roach's plan, with this modification. Save anyone you can that is not, I repeat not shooting at you or trying to kill you. I will not be party to another civilian massacre. Rooster and Roach you plan the attack on the ship, you have ten minutes before I fly this helicopter back to the ship. Lets try to keep the boat afloat and sea worthy. I want to move her to a safer location when this is all mopped up. The rest of you gun up and suit up, every rider a gunner, no exceptions."
The princess went to make a protest about shooting at the ship, but stopped herself, knowing there was no sense in it. It was it was and there was nothing she could do, but leave, walk into the darkness of the town and hope not to be killed by the zombies, or ride with them to the ship and hope not to be shot.
Barett and Rick tossed some gear into their packs and trotted off into the dark towards the dock and ship, disappearing quickly into the darkness of the old city.
Utah once again started through the series of checks to get the Puma warmed up again while Maria helped the others put on bloodied gear and uniforms securing weapons and gear to the deck.
Bianca slid into the co-pilots seat across from Utah, and tapped on the log book.
" Don't you think one of us should stay behind with the evidence and secure it, in case something happens. At least that way we could hedge our bet and reduce our damages if this mad run fails ?"

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