Thursday, February 23, 2012

Barett and Bianca....In the Bay of Hvar

Barett sat on the Vintage looking motorcycle in deep thought, staring at the carnage left in the old churches parking lot. Based on the shell casings that littered the area around the bodies and overturned van, Utah and Rick had a small pitched battle right below him. Since they were gone and so was the car, he imagined that they were still alive. The large dead Elephant zombie chopped into pieces and laying in the crushed frame of the van was leading Barett to believe this was less of a "Outbreak" and more of a attack. Following that line of thought, if this was an attack, and they were the targets, who knew where to find them, and how to find them. All fingers pointed back to Roman and Carla, the two were intimately connected somehow. He started to question her escape story, and motives. But with the attack in the E.U and others planned he could only imagine what was really at play here, but the two of them were connected and held secrets that would explain all of this somehow to him.

If these were planned attacks, and these were the medically altered zombies, like the ones Rick had a run in with, in Paris, this indicated a vast resource and planning that was detailed and methodical. He found the idea that someone would go to this kind of effort to kill them, well, kind of impressive that they had reached that level of threat.

All of this spoke of the E.o.H, it was expensive, and required some sort of diabolical mind. In their past dealings this was right at their level.

He decided to check out the surrounding area, the zombies just didn't wake up and wander our from the sea below, and across the lavander fields and farmers dirt roads. Someone had to bring them here, someone who was able to take directions. The Girls were up waiting in the Mini-cooper wide-eyed staring at the amount of bodies strewn across the parking lot.

Barett had made his mind up, he was going hunting for someone to interrogate, old school style.


Barett Coontail said...

Barett sung out wide on the bike, avoiding the gore and brass shells. He found it odd that there were no sirens in Hvar at all. Granted it was a small town, and very late at night, but still the shots from the .50 cal of Utah's should have brought some attention to this mess.
The old Church was below the castle, just left of what could be called the center of town. The resort hotels and more modern homes and businesses spread off to one side, the old town with the narrow alleys and local restarants the other direction. The local constables office was down by the docks, and after some thought the best place to start, they might have a back-up generator and some land lines to telephone out on.
The island had three primary towns, Hvar was the second biggest, Stari Grad the primary one, much larger than the others and one much smaller town on the far end of the island Barett had not been to.
Heading towards the dock with the girls in tow behind him, the boat not far from the police and coast guard stations, he eased the bike down the hill towards the dock. He needed the extra gear on the boat, and a safe point of operations to start his hunt.
The cool sea breeze and smell of salt water caressed his face, but it was no comfort. Now he knew how Rick felt with all these girls following him, it was a weigt he didn't need, he needed to make contact with Utah and Rick and was secretly hoping they would be at the boat, that would make things a lot easier for him.

Barett Coontail said...

Barett had the girls follow him towards the docks, down a narrow cobblestone alley and out onto the pedestian promanade. The lights were off in the constables office and Barett rode right up to the front door on the motorcycle.
The door had been kicked in, and bullet holes riddled the walls, shell casings lay all over the floor, but the place was silent and dark. The furniture was all overturned, and wrecked, phones and computers ripped from walls and desks, laying like corpses all smashed on the floor. The body of the night officer, a large brown lab mix of a man, lay in the dark far corner of the small office.
He was shot up, badly, and had been dead for a little while, the blood having already congeled on the floor.
The 9mm. shell casings that littered the place were commercial E.U. rounds,they could have been from anywhere, Barett noted mentally.
This didn't look like a Zombie attack, but he was sure the two were connected.
He pocketed one of the shells just in case, and stepped out into the street.
Bianca was still in her car, but Maria and Carla had stepped out.
Maria peeked inside and then looked at Barett.
" This doesn't look like a Zombie attack to me, do you think they are connected."

"Yeah" Barett replied.
" They are connected, but how is the question, or why ?"

"Can you loan me a gun as well, feeling a little naked, without one, due to the situation."
Maria was eyeing the shotgun in his hand.

Barett ran his eyes up her body, the thin material of the club dress clung to her curves, and left virtually nothing to the imagination, he swore in his head, she was super fine.

"You know what I mean. " She said and punched him in the shoulder.

"Right, lets get to the boat and get some real firepower. " Barett smirked.
Reaching down He pulled the small revolver out out of his ankle holster and handed it to her.
"Lets go !"

Barett Coontail said...

Barett lead the way, down the dock, checking on each boat before passing it. Carla was behind him with His H&K .45, Maria behind her with the revolver, Bianca at the back her now reloaded .380 in hand. The smell of seawater mixed with fuel filled his nostrils, but everything else seemed normal. With no lights on the dock or town the sky seemed even more alive, the stars and moon casting gray and black shadows everywhere.
Three large lumps lay on the dock by the Yacht, Barett paused and pulled into the shadow of a large boat. He figured they were humanoid forms, but he could not make out who or what they were, it was too dark.
Maria came up next to him, pressing her body againest him, her firm breasts againest his back.
"What do you make of that?" she whispered in his ear the thick accent almost sensual in the way it came out. Her warm breath againest his skin when she spoke. She smelled good, a suttle flower smell, and Barett could see what Rick liked so much about her.

" I don't know what it is, but its not good. Lets stay quiet, and hidden, I want to wait and watch for a minute." Barett whispered back.
He signalled for everyone to stay put, and hidden, while he scanned for threats.

Barett Coontail said...

The dock had a erie feel to it suddenly, as the boats bobbed in the water, moving the shadows across the concrete and wood. The water lapped at the piers and boat sides, sounding like hungry animals. Barett stayed still watching and listening, they were at least 100 feet from the forms that were laying with in a few feet of the Yachts slip on the dock.
Barett decided to slip into the water and take a short swim to the back of the boat, and do a little look see. He just didn't trust anyone at this point, and since they had stolen the boat only a few hours before, he figured the original owner may still be looking for it.
Barett leaned over to Maria and told her his plan, handing her the shotgun and taking the revolver, which would do better getting wet.
Barett slipped off his boots and shirt, then his pants. Placing his cloths in the backpack he handed it to Maria.
"Keep it safe for me, I'll be back soon." Barett whispered.
He was wearing only the black spandex boxer briefs for mountain climbers he always worn and nothing else for cloths. His Muscular upper body and narrow hips gave him a classic gymnists look, but the multiple scars across his back and legs hinted at a darker history. Barett could see Bianca's eyes roaming over his body, and he took a little thrill in the fact she was still interested in him. The Gurki was strapped to his thigh, and the .38 revolver in his right hand.
Quietly he slid into the still warm water and disappeared into its darkness.

Barett Coontail said...

Barett swam quickly under the water, around the boat and to the backside where the motors and aft deck were. Slowly coming to the surface next to the hull of the boat, he tread water listening for sounds and looking for movement.
He had been scanning for a few minutes before seeing anything, he was scanning the windows on the back of the bridge when he caught movement, and saw the shadow of a armed figure come across the back of the boat.
Barett yanked himself out of the water by the rear ladder and onto the deck striking the figure with his gurki across the shoulder as he stood in the door opening, knocking the weapon from the figures arms. Having the advantage of surprise he pushed harder. Using a sweeping kick and knocking the black clad figure to the deck, his head making a dropped melon sound as it struck the wood decking. The disoriented man, flat on his back, struck out with his fists trying to trip Barett up. He was not anyone Barett recognized, and no one he was concerned about hurting. Blocking the strikes Barett managed to get in a quick jab to the throat, and one to the ribs. The figure on the deck struggled for a few seconds, trying to get air in his lungs, while he was distracted Barett struck him across the temple with the handle of the gurki, knocking him out.
Barett grabbed the rifle, a surpressed M4 custom carbine, and started to clear the boat, checking the weapons chamber and magazine first.
Just as he was sneaking into the pilot house on the top deck another figure came running up the stairs. Seeing as these guys were not zombies, or his brothers, he placed two shots into the chest and one in the head. The Silencer co. surpressor was very effective at reducing the sound from the 5.56mm bullets. THe black clad figure fell back down the stairs, collapsing in a heap. Clearing the rest of the boat and not finding anyone else, he moved out to the dockside and waved the girls in.
Coming down the side plank he looked at the figures on the dock, the first one he didn't recognize but the other two were Zeus and Psy. Barett walked up cautiously to them, there wasn't any blood pools around them, but that didn't mean much.

Barett Coontail said...

Meanwhile back at the Resort with Utah Blaine Coontail :

Utah opened the door and stepped out into the hallway. The darkness was backlighted by all the cell phone flashlights and blinking of emergency red lights. There was a group of women standing down the wide hall from him, talking rapidly in a language that he didn't understand. The conversation stopped abruptly when they caught sight of him. The two large body guards behind the women went for their guns, but Utah simply waved the criss .45 cal there direction and waved his finger in a " No, No " sign.
He signalled for all of them to lay on the floor, and put their hands up in the air.

" OK, Who speak-a English here."
Utah yelled, waving the barrel tip across their heads.

There was a gravid pause, then one hand from a petite brunette in a black dress waved.
" I speak a little english, Sir."

"Great, Ok tell everyone that they are in great danger, zombies are attacking the town and we need to get the princess and leave now."
Utah said to her slowly and loud, the way Americans do to people they think will understand english if its spoken slower.

She was a very attractive partial looks cat with dark green eyes, that blinked at him in confusion.

"So sorry Sir, Zombies...?"
It was a question as much as a statement.
Utah shook his head, realizing what he just said sounded very crazy, and considering that he was the guy wearing the mask and carring the weapons, well that could make him the crazy one.

Barett Coontail said...

Utah was thinking in his head how best to explain the situation when the screaming from another part of the top floor began. It was the high pitched wailing of the she-zombies as Rick called them. Everyone on the floor looked up at Utah, then down the hall twenty feet or so to a set of stainless steel doubledoors. Various other pitched screams of the dying and wounded started up, crashing and banging of furniture and equipment mixed in to the noise. Utah decided to lie his way out of his dilema.

" Look, the building is under attack by Terrorists trying to kidnap the princess, I'm part of a special forces team sent here to help her... I need to find her and leave now...we are in danger of being killed as we speak."
Utah knew it was a partial truth, but it made more sense than zombies, until you meet one.

The girl nodded her head, as the sounds grew louder and the screaming increased, from all parties. A few shoots rang out, but they were from small caliber handguns, they were not going to stop anything with that kind of weapon, Utah thought.

She started speaking rapidly to the others, so fast and in a tongue he didn't know, that he gave up entirely trying to follow what she said. They all seemed to be nodding their heads in agreement, then she tuned back to him.

" Ok, we will all go with you."
She spoke better english this time, and her voice held some level of authority he had not noticed before.

" It's not we sister, It's me and the princess...I'm not here to babysit the lot of you."
Utah retorted, unimpressed by her new found courage.

" It's not Sister, its your Highness and they all go with us."
She waved at the lot of them.

"Fine, what ever, lets don't want to meet the party crashers." Utah stated in as cool a tone as he could.
Not waiting for anyone else he headed back towards the door he just came through.

Barett Coontail said...

Utah slide up to the steel heavy gauge door, clicking on the tactical light on the barrle end of the submachinegun. Pushing the door open fast and swinging out wide, flashing the light across the room. It was as silent and empty as before, the door to the elevator propped open still. Utah paused, as the others came into the room behind him, the two bodyguards guns drawn, eying him suspiciously, as they spread out, the girls staying in the center of the room.
Something was not right about the elevator doors being open in that way, he didn't have time now to think about that, he had a whole 'Entorage' to deal with getting out. He grabbed a metal cart and jammed it behind the door, blocking the hallway they just came from.
It was just in time, bursting through the set of double doors at the other end of the hall came screaming down its carpeted hallway two she-zombies.
They slammed into the door with such force that everyone but Utah jumped, several of the girls clung to each other. The small window in the door lite up by Utah's tactical light, held their squirming faces, distorted and bloody. Everyone turned to Utah, a state of shock and disbelief on their faces.

"Right, lets move, those are the small, pretty ones....go..go..go."
He yelled pointing to the stairwell door.
The two bodyguards opened the door and were almost immediatly gutted by the lone female she-zombie on the other side. She torn into them shredding cloth and tissue with her bare hands and long claw-like fingernails.
Utah was standing on the other side of the group of women, they were so scared they didn't even move. He raised the criss .45 cal and breifly blinded the zombie with the light. Then placed three controlled bursts from the gun into her, two to the chest, one to the head. She fell back into the stairwell from the impact of the .45 cal slugs ripping up her body and face.
Utah jumped over the scared women and slammed the door shut. The two dying bodyguards bleeding out on the floor, they were not going to make it, no matter what Utah did. He ignored them and jammed another cart behind it.

Barett Coontail said...

After Jamming the door with the other metal cart, he ran his eyes over the large service area storage room. The elevator shaft was starting to look like the best route out of here.
The girls started heading towards the stairs door, and away from the banging of the two zombies on the hall door. Utah counted up the women he had left. Six women, plus the princess, all in party dress's and high heels. He had some climbing gear, but no where near what he needed to rappel down the elevator shaft with that many people. Heading over to the elevator shaft he checked out the open door.
Three stories down the elevator sat, stuck between floors. On the top was a body, dressed in janitors uniform. At least that explained the jammed open door. He should have checked that out better when he came in. He heard the moving of the cart and quickly swung around. Two of the girls had moved the cart away from the door to the stairs. Utah started towards them but it was to late.
The minute they opened the door the shot up she-zombie leap through, ripping open the throat of the nearest girl, spraying blood across the walls and cloths of the other girls. Utah had the gun up, flashlight on her as she moved into the room.
He cursed heavily to himself, trying to bead up on her as the gilrs ran across his kill zone. No matter what happened it was going to be messy.
The Criss .45 cal bucked in his hands as he fired high over the girls heads in the zombies general direction. She turned and eyed him, ripping open the stomach of a second girl before dropping her body. Utah fired again, emptying the rest of the magazine into her chest. Brass shells showered onto the tile floor, as blood and flesh was shedded and ripped open. The she zombie staggered back and hesitated. Utah was going for his knife to finish the job when she lunged for the hallway door, knocking the cart away, letting the other two zombies in.

Barett Coontail said...

The two screaming zombies launched into the room, one to the left the other to his right, the third one lay on the floor hissing and bleeding out, she was not going anywhere. Utah had to make a split second decision, who to protect, who to let die, because that is what would happen to who ever he didn't protect. He swung the Shotgun off his back and stepped in front of the princess, firing rapidly at the zombie coming in from the right. Two to the chest, one to the head, one at each hip, till the gun ran dry of its five shots.
The gun rose and fell in controled violence, shells spinning through the air, lead and fire vomited from its tip.
It was all close combat, under twenty feet. The heavy slug shells tearing and destroying flesh and bone when they struck, but still the she-devil zombie pressed forward. Utah stood in a combat stance between the zombie and the princess, feet wide, legs spring ready. The zombie swung wildly at him with the talon like fingers, he ducked and spun, pulling out his combat knife and coming up inside her swing.
The cold metal eight inch blade was driven hilt deep into her chin, and up into the brain. He was nose to nose, and watched the light dim in her eyes. But he didn't hold back, yanking the blade free, he drove it across the throat. Spun her around and freed her head from her body. Kicking the carcus away from him and throwing the head at the other zombie, Utah spit and cursed.

"Come for me she-devil hell spawn, and I will send you back to the outer darkness you came from."

Barett Coontail said...

The She-zombie had made quick work of the other girls, and the only unhurt people in the room were Utah and the princess. It was a mess, blood was spread all over the walls and floor. In the darkness of the emergency lights from the stairwell and Utahs tactical flashlight it looked bad, but if the lights were on, it would have been much worse.
Utah didn't wait, he rushed the she-zombie in a flying leap kick.
He connected solid to her left leg, and it snapped, bending in all the wrong ways, pointing out grotesquely from her body. He spun around, but was caught by one of her arms.
She tossed him againest a wall, like he was a large stuffed animal. Reflexes kicked in and he rolled with the toss, banged againest the wall and came up in a crouch on the blood wet floor.
The She-zombie stood on her good leg and snarled at him. Utah pulled his 1911 colt commander .45 pistol and started firing, all shots for the head.
The jacketed hollow points smacking into her face and head. She went down, most of her head missing, the body still jerking, blood and gore everywhere, His ears ringing from the enclosed space, and echo of the gunshots.
Utah yelled to the princess,
" Close the doors and jam them shut. Now , move it, move IT."

He picked up his knife from the floor and removed the head from the first zombie by the hallway door, while the Princess dragged the cart over and jammed it under the handle. They both went to the stairway door and stuffed the second cart under it's doorknob. Utah walked to the still kicking third zombie and removed her head, just in case. Reloading all three of his guns he did a physical check, the she-zombie had ripped up his left arm, and it would need stitches, but it wasn't serious. His helmet had deep claw marks across it and the night vision equipment was ruined.
No way out now but the elevator shaft, he walked over to it and looked down. Three and a half floors down, or at least 36 feet. No problem for Utah, it was the princess he was concerned about.
She was staring at the dead girls on the floor when something solid hit the hallway door, the metal creaked and groaned but held.
Utah looked up, the gray and yellow hair of a Yak-zombie pressed againest the glass.
Utah didn't wait to see what happened next, he grabbed the princess, tossed her over his shoulder and ran for the elevator door.

Barett Coontail said...

Utah kicked out the broom with his foot, reached out with his right hand and grabbed one of the cables for the elevator. The door snapped shut leaving them in pitch black silence, swinging from the cable.
Even through the steel doors of the elevator shaft they could hear the zombies pounding on the walls and hall door.

"Grab my vest and shoulders and hold on, I'm going to climb down to the top of the elevator, and I need both my hands and arms free."
Utah whispered to the Princess.

She was shaking slightly, and hesitated a moment. Utah was trying to be patience with her, but needed to move. Speed and evasion were going to be the best things to avoid a very uncomfortable death in this hotel.
He was holding on with his right arm, legs wrapped around the steel cable to give him some stability.
She was in his left arm, her arms wrapped around his midsection. She was a smaller women, and young, perhaps 21 or 22 years old he quessed, under 110 pounds.
She was stronger than she looked, and much more flexible. Climbing on his gear and using the webbing to hold onto she shifted to his back freeing Utah's left arm.
He switched on the light and desended quickly in a controled drop to the roof of the elevator, 36 feet below.
They landed quietly and listened for screams or movement, but all was quiet, in the elevator shaft.
Utah looked at the body of the janitor, he was face down on the roof of the elevator, towards the far right corner, the tactical light bringing detail to his body. Two bullet wounds with powder burns around the entry spots were evident. He had been shot in the back at very close range, then pushed in. Utah didn't like this new development, zombies were bad enough, zombies with guns, extra bad. He didn't share the news with the princess, she was distracted enough. Utah pried the top of the door to the elevator hallway open and peeked out. They were on the 6th floor from what he could gather and it was empty right now. Bracing it open with the shotgun, he slid out, then helped the Girl down. She was small but strong, and had amazingly good reflexes. Utah turned the light off and hunkered down in the small lobby inbetween the soda vending machine and ice machine in the small lobby off of a hallway.

Barett Coontail said...

Utah held his finger to his mouth in the sshhh postion. The girl understood and sat quietly behind him while they listened and waited. They had come out on the 6th floor, and were hiding out in the small elevator lobby like room. they were on the end of the building, with a outside wall, these being the service and staff elevators, not the guest ones in the middle of the hotel. It was a smaller room than the one above them, but they had the same purpose. Utah slide over to the stairwell door and cracked it open. There was noise up above, and voices in low growlings and a language he didn't make out, could have been Russian, but he wasn't sure. He slide a vacuum under the doorknob, and jammed it tight, for a little extra security.
He crawled over to the hallway door and cracked it open. The emergency lights were dim and barely gave any illumination to the hall. Several bodies and body parts were scattered down its narrow carpeted floor. He jammed a cart behind the hall door and slid back over to the girl.
She was shaking a little and her eyes were wide and scared.
" What were those things ? Why are they here ? Where are the cops ?"
She was speaking fast and showed signs of shock. Utah pulled the mask off for a second and handed her a bottled water he had taken from off one of the carts. Chugging one down fast himself he shook his head.
"Drink up, you need it. I don't know anything about this yet myself. They are some sort of Medically altered Zombies, strong, fast, mean s.o.b's....they will kill anything in their path. Our best bet for survival will be to stay out of their way and make it to a safe spot. Names Deacon...what's yours ?"
She sipped on the water and eyed him for a second. In the darkness of the room she seemed smaller and much younger than the girl standing in the hall upstairs with her phone and friends.
She looked him over once, then a second time, before speaking.
" Rachel....are you an American ?"

Utah realized that his accent was constantly giving him away, and he didn't care really.

"Yes Maam, west coast cowboy..."

Barett Coontail said...

She eyed Utah again, this time he could tell she was thinking. His minding was running through all the alternate routes for exit from the building, so he didn't pay her much mind. The regular hotel guest stairs would be overrun he thought, and going out a window and climbing down wasn't good either. Going down the stairs he came up were going to be the best route, move fast, shoot and loot.
He crawled across the floor to the stairwell door and pressed his ear up againest the cool steel.
The staircase was quiet now, and Utah was ready to move. Signaling the Princess to move over to him, Utah secured the criss to his tactical vest and held the shotgun in his left hand.
"We are going down the stairs, fast and mean, shoot and loot....That means we are not stopping for anything, even zombies...savy ?" He spoke to her in a low tone into her ear as she slid up next to him. Her hair smelled wonderful, a light scent of rose petals and something else he couldn't place. Her skin was soft and warm as she leaned into him to whisper back in his ear, her breath scented in mint and chocolate, some exotic drink flavor he was sure.
"I will follow you, my 'Cowboy' "
She sweetly replied into his ear, her soft lips brushing lightly againest his skin. A ripple of sexual tension went through Utah, which he quickly surpressed, if he wasn't careful that kind of distraction right now would get him killed.
He silently swung the door open, eased out into the stairwell, switched the shotgun to his right hand and grabbed the princess with his left hand. Made sure everything was clear then started the quick desent to the exit door he had marked. Running at top speed, dragging the princess girl behind him. She was doing a better job of keeping up with him than he thought she could, she had great balance and speed herself, a natural athlete.
He slowed at each landing, only long enough to check the door and the next landing below before speeding back up. Soon they were at the door marked with the black X.

Barett Coontail said...

Utah checked the door, to make sure it was right, then eased it slowly open. Out in the hall two of the giant yak zombies stood, the smell was almost as overpowering as they were physically.
"Wow, those guys must avoid the shower, like a blond at the bates motel." Utah quipped to Racheal.
She looked at him absently. He thought, "I need a better sidekick for that, it was a great line ".

Utah pulled back into the landing, removed two concussion grenades off his tactical vest and pulled the pins, counted down to ten, then tossed them out into the hall.

"Cover your ears good, this will make a big boom."
Utah smirked, then pulled her close to him over in the corner of the landing.He was beginning to like the smell of her, and held her closer than was really needed.
The pop, pop of the two explosions and the smoke billowing through the door were all he needed to know, it was time to move.
Grabbing her arm he ran out into the hall, over the top of the eviserated yaks, and down the hall to the backdoor. Kicking the door out in front of him, because it looked cool, Utah exited the building.

"Elvis has left the building" He said outloud to himself.
The princess smiled at him, in the moonlight she seemed innocent and fragile, just like in some fairytale story.
" Hey I got that one." She said.

They moved around the corner of the building towards the front entrance. The cool night air felt good from the heat and exertion of leaving the building. Utah was sweating only slightly, but still the breeze felt good. They stopped at the edge of the building and peered around, the coast was clear so they ran for the car.
She was catching on well and moved quickly along with him as they crossed the road and stuck to the shadows. With in a few seconds they were at the EVO 10, as Utah clicked the doors unlocked.
He slide into the drivers seat, and she jumped into the passangers.
Utah looked over at her, confusion was in his eyes.
She looked around nervously, while he started the motor looking behind the seats and around.
" What is wroung, is there something on me ? "
Utah realized Shelia was gone, the car was empty. There was a sinking feeling in his stomach, he thought she was acting strange, but this was really bad news.
" Son of a miners donkey, whore of all babylon....where did that woman go." Utah was off in a tirade, swearing in all different kinds of languages. The princess reached for the door, looking very scared. Outside the hotel a dozen or so zombies gathered, when the car started they began moving towards them fast. Utah hit the door lock, Slapped the car into first gear and burned rubber down the road towards the dock.
"Sorry Racheal, its not you, we are missing someone...but we don't have time for all that right now."
Utah banked hard across the front of the zombie hoard, as several of them bounced off the rear passanger door. The EVO 10 was made for tight, bouncy streets like this and handled great.

Barett Coontail said...

Utah raced the engine, keeping it in second gear as he rocketed through the narrow streets, letting the RPMs be his ears. Only one zombie had gotten hold of the rear spoiler on the passengers side. But a simple swipe againest the stone walls of a building removed him. The whole right side of the car was dents and scrapes, the left side still brand new, no worries though, it was just a rental.
Racheal watched out the windows, constantly moving her head around to look out through the rear window. half expecting a zombie to jump up and through the glass at her. Utah just concentrated on driving, the tires making a constant squelling sound as he cornered and weaved through the streets over the cobblestones.
Soon they were at the dock parking area. Utah slide to a stop next to a all white Mini-cooper. Kicked open his door and had the trunk popped at the same time. He had just gotten to the trunk when a bullet bounced off the pavement next to him. Yanking the .50cal free and spining to the ground behind the car he felt the EVO 10 take several rounds to it. Breaking out windows and punchering tires. Racheal rolled out of the passengers side and hide down next to him, as bullets peppered the area.
Utah counted for a second, and breathed in deep. When the shooting stopped for a second he jumped up and fired a .50cal round towards the offender. This was just a warning round, but he figured that he would be close enough to scare the shooter. They were being fired at by someone who was good, but not great. They were also using a small caliber semi to full auto rifle.
The big .50cal cracked loud, and Utah ducked back down, jacking another round in. Time to see what the snipers intentions really were. Utah had done sniper training like the other brothers, Barett really took to it, Utah did good, but liked blowing things up more than sneaking around. He did learn a lot about the trade though, and how to counter it as well.

Barett Coontail said...

Meanwhile back at the boat Barett was tying up the surviving ambusher, after throwing the body of the dead guy overboard. Psy and Z were drugged up with some sort of dart gun thing. The other older guy was a local he guessed, no weapons or anything like that. The dartgun was a high tech compressed nitrogen set up, for big game animals and the like. It had seven more shots left in it, so Barett secured it in the makeshift weapons locker and put his cloths back on.
Bianca was eyeing him the whole time, he couldn't tell if she was attacted to him or frightened by him. Carla and Maria were talking rapidly at the back of the boat by the deck. THe rest of the bay was quiet, like nothing was really going on. The girls had given him back his guns and taken ones out for themselves. Barett had hit the still living guy pretty good and he was going to be out for a little while. Psy and Z would be out for who knew how long, and the local Barett figured it would be daylight before he came to, after reading the ingredients on the side of the darts, it was a lot of tranquilizer.
Thinking about finding Utah and Rick he heard gun fire from the old part of town, then more gunfire. It was quiet for a little bit then more gunfire. Someone was shooting from the bell tower off of the promanade, and from the narrow alleyways below. He had a bad angle from the boat, to see what was going on. Leaving the girls on the boat he took his sniper rifle with the night scope and headed back out to see what was going on. Walking down the dock, Maria and Carla peeked over the side of the boat.
"Where are you going ?" They both asked.
"Just to check things out, I'll be right back." Barett replied over his shoulder, as he jogged down the dock.