Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Hidden Kingdom III - The Albino

The burst of automatic fire from overhead was all Tsai Lee needed. The people panicked and raced in mass for the other side of the street and sought for cover behind the buildings. The police did not try to stop them. Tsai Lee expertly disappeared into the throng of people. She easily slipped from the gathering crowd of individuals who all looked on with morbid fascination at the unfolding events from the building she had just spent a few hours on the early morning in.
Separation was not the best plan but she knew Barett was skilled. She thought for a second that she should help him somehow, but then she remembered how he had single handedly taken out an entire team of highly trained black-ops back in the Puget Sound when she had first met him. It was time to focus on the disk in her bag and Dong-Mei, the albino. She needed to find someone with technical skills who could help her. Tsai Lee corned the next building that was the Dorsett Seaview Hotel and headed north on Shanghai street into the heart of Kowloon. The rain began to fall again.


All four men fell unceremoniously down a half flight of the stairwell. The rat-tating of the big AK-47 echoed off the walls as the bullets erupted out of the backs of the two SWAT men who were in the rear. Fists, feet, and blood went everywhere. Barett and the man we was entangled with spun and flipped upside down, Barett landing on his back and under the man The AK-47 was knocked out of his hands in the process and it clattered down the stairs. The SWAT officer’s hold on his own assault riffle was wrong for him to get a shot off but he was quick and brought the stock of his gun down on Barett’s left collar bone. It hurt but no bones broke. Barett answered with his knee. It shot up and connected in the man’s midsection who was rising again to deliver another blow. He was already off balance with the un-level stairwell so the force of the kick over-ended him and he flipped head over heals, crashing down on the switchback metal landing next to the AK-47. The two, now dead, SWAT men under Barett were like sandbags of resistance and hindrance to his movement as his tried to flip back over. All three of them slid down another two stair rungs. In the jumble of legs, arms, blood, armor, and bobbing heads, Barett saw a large knife strapped to one of the bodies. Without thinking he ripped it out of the holster and threw it down at the man he had just kick off of him. He wasn’t a second too late either. The third SWAT officer had brought up his assault rifle ready to shot just as the blade made solid contact on the bridge of his nose. Barett and the other two bodies continued to slide until they slammed onto the landing.

Barett looked around quickly. Shouts were coming up from about two floors below him. He looked at the bodies and began scheming about ways to booby trap the bodies. He saw that each had pockets of flash grenades.
But a door to the stairwell banged open below with a crash and he knew he was out of time. Barett pulled the pin from three of grenades and threw them down the stairwell. He took three more and jumped all the way up to where he had dropped his bag in one coontail leep and shut the door to protect himself from the flash and blast.

Immediately following the explosion he flung back through the door into the stairwell and literally flew up three more flights to the eighth floor. He could hear pursuers coming up after him. He thought about going all the way to the roof but thought better of that, knowing that there would be snipers out there waiting for him. Everything was about speed now if he was going to get out of the building in one piece. He pulled the pins out of the remaining three flash grenades and dropped them down the stairwell.

The one things nice about a city like Hong Kong is that the buildings are so close to each other. If you look out your bathroom window you will be looking into your neighbor's bedroom in another building. This was going to be his exit. He headed to the north end knowing that was the only building close enough for him to jump, hopefully without being seen. He chose a door and ran with his shoulder down. The door gave easily. Inside was a small apartment that belong to a person who had a strange collection of large black and white photos of hands. Out of the little living room was a balcony. Barett carefully stepped up to the window to assess the possibilities. There were no windows he could see in an easy jump but there was a ledge that looked promising. He was guessing there were snipers getting into position. He was hoping they would be looking at the rooftops and the lower windows where the gun fire had come from. He would have to risk it.

Sliding open the balcony windowed door enough him, he slipped his bag onto his back and prepared himself; then jumped.

The landing on the six inch ledge was good. No one had seemed to noticed his evacuation route as not bullets rained down on him. He quickly edge himself to his right, rounded the corner of the building and found a window that was easily big enough for him to fix through once he broke the window. Luckily no one was home. It was a office storage room of some sort with mountains of paper other odds and ends stored about the room.

Exiting the room, he snuck down a hallway and went up two flights of stairs. The escape had worked so well that he thought it would be best to try it one more time. The next building was a giant 55 story building. Within a few minutes he had moved three buildings down the street away from all the police, SWAT teams and snipers. No wonder superheros of the comic book world are inclined to use this mode of travel. He walked out the front door and looked south into the crowd of people who and gathered under protective awnings do keep out of the rain and watch to see what events were unfolding down the street.

What now?

Monday, July 13, 2009

Dave Goes to Europe Chapter 4: Return Trip

Dave Crockett Coontail awoke to the violent buzzing of his cellular phone as it shimmied across the bedside nightstand.  He answered cheerily as he had slept his requisite six to seven hours.  "Lieutenant Dave Coontail speaking," he said.

"It is nice to see you awake.  From what I hear you had a late night," said Dr. Weisehund.

"So, the Society is watching me.  That's reassuring.  I thought I felt some eyes at my back."

"I was not involved.  Members of the board thought it prudent to observe you during your stay in Berlin.  I just happened to hear some office gossip.  You are enjoying the club scene, then?" she teased.

"Very much so.  No Lou Reed songs, though," said Dave, not missing a beat.

"More is the pity.  Anyhow, to business.  I am calling to give you forewarning that the project will be completed some time this afternoon.  You are to keep your phone on your person at all times.  I shall call one half hour in advance of the time we are to depart.  Is that understood?"

"Ich verstehe.  Alle ist klar.  I will keep the phone close to my heart" said Dave.

"I expect nothing less.  Aufwiederhoren."  She disconnected.

Dave set the phone aside, yawned, and stretched.  He stood and scratched an itch at his bottom.  The clock radio displayed the time at 11:03.  Germans.  Even her phone call was on the hour.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Retroactive changes

In the many years that the brothers have been around, is there anything in their backstory or in any particular adventures that you would change?  I wonder because there are a couple of things that bother me.

The first was an early adventure in which someone had attempted to rob the garage at night.  The brothers all went into pursuit mode.  Dave crashed and rolled the race car.  Utah swore never to ride with him again.  I am fine with that part of it.  However, after catching the culprits, Dave took his little chainsaw out of the trunk (he kept it for harvesting armor from other vehicles) and started it up.  He held it up to one of the robbers intending to scare him.  At this point I as a player bowed to peer pressure.  When urged to finish him off, I had Dave do it.  I regretted it immediately after and ever since.  I really don't think Dave would have done that.  In fact, had he killed in such a gruesome fashion, I don't think he would ever recover from it.  If possible, I would go back and rewrite that scenario.  it didn't help that Lumpy witnessed this horrific execution.

Speaking of Lumpy, I would also go back and completely delete Dave's seduction of Lumpy.  For one thing, I had based that scenario on a misinterpretation of past events, thinking there was a past relationship where there was none.  Secondly, she just isn't Dave's type.  Moreover, I don't think Dave would have done it even if it was just to piss off Utah.  The whole thing stands out as being uncharacteristic.  This is aggravated by the fact that I as a player pushed for it in the first place.  Blogging a short story is one thing, but trying to wrangle up some story during game play just doesn't fly and I apologize.

Other than that I can really not think of much else.  Oh, yeah.  There was a previous trip to Europe that the brothers made that I think should be nulled.  It is more interesting by far to think of the present trip to Europe as their first.  Of course, Utah Blaine is exempt as he had gone to Scotland during his Mission.