Friday, June 19, 2009

Theme Songs

In writing Dave's adventures in Europe, I have come to realize just how important music is to the character.  This got me thinking about what songs would be featured in the Coontails' movie.  Dave's current theme song in my mind is by the Jungle Brothers as remixed by Fatboy Slim.  Though it is more electronica and hip hop oriented, the theme and the execution fit quite well.  It is tongue in cheek and narcissistic at the same time, much like Dave himself.  It is titled "Because I Got It Like That."  Here's a taste.

Play in the rain and don't get wet
Walk through the desert and don't even sweat
Play in the snow and don't get cold
I'm just a cool, young brother who looks kinda old

Run around the world school on the side
If I commit a crime and get caught I slide
I got ladies uptown and money on the floor
There's not a thing in the world that I'm asking for

Because I got it like that

With Utah, the Police's "Demolition Man" works very well.  It sums up his destructive nature, and the fact that destruction is often part of his job.
Pink Floyd's "Another Brick in the Wall" represents Barett suitably as he is antiestablishment.
With Rick I am thinking "Like to Get to Know You Well" by Howard Jones.  Also "Dozen Girls" by the Damned is good, too.  "He's got charm.  He's got style.  He's got a dozen girls.  Oh, tell me why he's got a dozen girls."
"New Religion" by Duran Duran captures Dave's more serious and dangerous side.

Other possible tracks are:
"Cult of Personality" by Living Color, embracing the political aspects of their world.
"Big Truck" by Coal Chamber, a great theme for the Grunting Doberman
"Hey Man Nice Shot" by Filter, another good political song and personally the only good song by Filter.
"I Kill Spies" by Agent Orange for obvious reasons

If you have any songs that fit with the brothers or their world, please post them as comments.


Rick Coontail said...

Cool ideas Dave, you got me thinking. I am not sure if Rick would like Howard Jones or not. More than likely not.

Rick’s music of choice would mostly be Latino. A major reason for this is because of his training in Capoeira. After long days of training, it wasn’t unusual for the beat to speed up into a samba. As a young man, Rick loved to dance afterwards in the circle with the few half-dressed and very shapely women of his training group. There was one lady in particular, Gabriela. She was much older than him but she was his first true lust. Now there's a woman whonever would be single. She made men out of the young boys and young boys out of the men. Gabriela had long curly hair and was an advanced student of Capoeira. But she was a master of Samba. She was a head taller than Rick at the time but he remembered her smile and the way she shook her body. The notice of what sexy is came from her and from the music they played.

Today Rick still loves the beats of Samba, Mambo, Salsa, Tango, Cumbia, Garifuna, Merengue, Afro-Central American, Samba-Reggie folk-pop, and Afro-Peruvian music. For Rick these are meant to mix with good food, hot sexy dancing, and late night partying. While working in the garage on some big scheme or project of his, he would have the stereo cranked up to the annoyance of anyone close by. Some of his favorite artists are Eva Ayllon, Legend Vega, Las Chicas del Can, Cuco Volay, Andy Palacio, and CuCu Diamantes.

Dave Crockett Coontail said...

I love it. I can see Rick really working the sexy Latino thing. Dave got into latin dancing while hanging around Fisher in Houston. He, too, digs the latin beat, but more for dancing than listening.

The Argentine Tango is perhaps Dave's favorite dance as it is extremely sexy. The man holds a very masculine frame and stares intensely at the woman as they dance about. There are many intertwining leg kicks. If I remember correctly, the basic gist of the dance is that the woman entices the man, but he continues to fend off her advances. Of course, this usually ends in a dip, hold, or embrace, showing that the man has finally given in. The Paso Doble is similar, only the man takes the role of a Toredor and the woman is his cape. Also very sexy, romantic, and masculine.

As for latin artist I am not so familiar. I know there are many hispanic hip hop, rap, and pop groups. In our own world there is a band from Mexico City by the name of Hocico that plays heavy electro-industrial music.

Thanks for the feedback. That helps color Rick's character for me.

Barett Coontail said...

Ah, yes what does Barett listen to. He is very mood driven on his selection and doesn't make a very good groupie or fan of any style or the same time you will not catch him listening to musicals. Mostly guitar driven rock will dominate the play list that he is listening to. His tastes move from Screaming blue messiahs ( Mega City One a favorite ) to Pink Floyd ( Shine on you crazy diamond ) to Classic Americana ( Johnny Cash and the Kingston Trio ) to Gregorian Monk chants and military marches. You will find a lot of Red Hot chili peppers and Pink Floyd in his collection.
Some songs for background or combat scenes I had always envisioned.

" Nobody weird like me " Red Hot Chili Peppers

" Glamor Boys " Living Color.

" Wall of Shame " Screaming Blue Messiahs.

" Information overload" Living Color.

" Holiday in Cambodia" Dead Kennedy's.

" Psycho killer " Talking heads.

I saw a fare amount of 80's Rock, Early MTV stuff. That would dominate the sound track.

I always saw in my minds eye the " Cult of Personality" song playing in the opening credits. The scene panning back from Utah's eye to the 'Grunting DOberman' With Rick, Barett and Dave shooting their way through a combat like zone of "Road Warrior" cars and figures on some desert road in the middle of nowhere. That just may be me, but it is what I saw.

Dave Crockett Coontail said...

I envision the "true" music scene ending somewhere in the mid to late '80s, possibly 1987 or 88. By true, I mean the music with which we are familiar today. However, soundtracks being what they are, there is no hard and fast rule that music after that period cannot be used. The song I mentioned in the topic heading is a '90s tune, for instance.

Other tracks for Dave are:

"Night Shift" by Siouxsie & the Banshees. This encapsulates Dave's Goth phase. The song is about Jack the Ripper. It is dark, melodic, and disturbingly sensual.

"I Think I'm Wonderful," "Stranger on the Town," and basically anything from the Damned. Great early punk rock music in the British tradition.

"Misguided Angel" by the Cowboy Junkies. A love song.

Just to name a few.

Barett Coontail said...

I was surprised to see so much Latin music in Ricks Playlist. I should have foreseen this, but liked his explaination for where this comes from.
For Barett music is a background thing, though he has some personal preferences and some dislikes, he treats it more like paint color on a car. While the choice may be important, it does not make up for the motor and style of the car itself.
" Don't buy a paint job, and that applies to girls as well as cars " Papa Rick would say.
I'm not sure what this all has to do with cars, but Barett was looking to pick up a classic European touring car, perhaps something in the German lines. 7 series BMW always had a sexy look for a sedan, perhaps a AUDI 8.
Some other songs I ran across I liked.

" Hells kitchen " The Cult

" Sun King " The Cult

" Painted Black " Rolling stones

" Can't drive 55 " Sammy Hagar

At least this is some that Barett likes.

Dave Crockett Coontail said...

I also like that Rick listens to African and other tribal music styles. This fits in with his capoeira training, its basic movements having been developed in Africa and the style itself founded by African slaves in Brazil.

Rick is the best dancer of all the brothers. It only makes sense that he would listen to music that was best suited for dance.

I think an Audi or a BMW would be great for Barett to cruise in. I was thinking also that perhaps the Fraunhofer Society could be an ally to the brothers. They could be our own version of Q, developing high tech weapons, vehicles, equipment, and modifications.

How about an experimental motorcycle for Barett, something state of the art. The engine would be inside the wheel. This is how the motorcycle in Batman: the Dark Knight operated. I was thinking also of a special, armored set of motorcycle leathers for Barett, also very high end.

There would be modifications to the Bugatti and many other things as well.

Dave Crockett Coontail said...

"House of Pain" and "Only a Lad" - Oingo Boingo

"War Combattery" - :wumpscut:

"Wild Horses" - Gene Loves Jezebel

"Before I'm Dead" - Kidneythieves

"Rock & Roll Suspension" and "US Drag"- Missing Persons

"Sex on Wheelz" - My Life with the Thrill Kill Kult

Barett Coontail said...

I was thinking about some of the classic 80's songs. Some of which I didn't like then, but do now.

David Bowie "Suffraget city"

AC/DC "Dirty deeds"

Queensryche "Operation Mindcrime"

Perhaps some Lou Reed..

Most of these songs are very specific to perhaps a event or scene. If I had the budget, or the influence, I would have new bands cover them.
This may be to much, but worth talking about.

Dave Crockett Coontail said...

A new band has covered "Dirty Deed Done Dirt Cheap." There is an industrial rock tribute album to AC/DC called Covered in Black. A band by the name of 16 Volt recorded Dirty Deeds. They are a coldwave band, a subgenre of industrial rock known for a more stripped down sound, very scathing guitar that is the audio equivalent of a surgeons scalpel, and an angry vocal style.

I started a Coontails playlist on my iPod and have already added some of Dave's and Barett's favorites. Rick and Utah are a little harder as I haven't as many tracks to select from.

However, speaking of covers, I have added "Paint it Black" as performed by synth rock group Deadsy. I will add more as they come to me. Feel free to post more ideas as they come. Who knows? I may even have the track available.

Dave Crockett Coontail said...

I also have a cover of "Suffragette City" just so you know.