Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Rick's trip ( Heading home )

Rick and Maria are hanging out at the Boat dock, sipping Daquiries and enjoying the sun when the perfect ride comes in. A long narrow yacht with twin turbo jets, piloted by a young blond guy, who is bullying his way down the marina going a little to fast, as he pulls up he revs the engine in reverse and slides up to a dock, splashing water all over the place. A short stocky black gila monster with orange hands and mouth and human features, jumps over and quickly ties the boat up. The Blond human and three girls in bikinis walk off the boat and over to the club house.

From Ricks vantage point he can see down on to part of the deck, there are two of these guys on the boat right now, wearing white shorts and blue t-shirts with some logo on them, they are cleaning things up on the topside and preping the Yacht for fuel and supplies. You can see the dock master heading their way, with a very irrate look on his face.

what does Rick want to do ?


Rick Coontail said...

“Uh, that is interesting. Gila’s are native to southwester American and Northern Mexico. I wonder what they are doing here?”
“But I think that will be are ride out of here. What do you think Maria?”

~ Maria’s response ~

Rick looks at his watch to check the time. From Malta to Sѐte is about 750 miles – about 17 hours by fast boat as he has calculated it; from Sѐte to Paris will be 473 mi – about 7 hours normal driving speed; from Paris to London is 283 mi – about 5 ½ hours for a total of 29 hours. This means that Rick and Maria will need to leave Malta no later than 00:00 AM Saturday morning. Rick is thinking something more like 17:00 hours Friday to give them extra time for Mr. Murphy to join in the race.
Rick turns to Maria and gives her a kiss and then a wink. “I think we need to get down there and start taking pictures like you are the hottest star this side of Gibraltar. Let’s get the natives interested in you while I create a little distraction. I thinking of blowing that fueling station over on the far side of the marina where our boat is. We are going to need to take some hot and heavy pictures of you, to get a crowd of gawkers.” “You up to the task?”

~ Maria’s response ~

“Once you get a group start working your way to that sweet boat. When you hear an explosion, slip on board and make yourself scarce. I will swim around and board from the stern.”
As Rick a Maria walk down to the marina, Rick takes his waterproof bag full of equipment and surreptitiously lets it fall off the docks into the water with a rope and hook keeping it from floating away. This he will pick up on his swim back to the yacht they are planning on stealing. He keeps a grenade hidden in his pocket. He then takes out the camera and starts taking pictures of Maria. They head over towards the club house, camera clicking away.

Barett Coontail said...

Maria walks down the dock slowly undressing, as she gets down to her bikini bottoms only she starts to draw a crowd. Rick is clicking away rapidly at the camera, and searching the crowd with his other eye, there is general interest in what is going on with you two. When Maria drops her bottoms and starts posing the guys in the crowd go wild and start cheering and incouraging her to do more. This draws the attention of the dockmaster and the gila's on the boat and they wander over to see what is going on. Rick heads over and places the grenade behind the pump on the fueling cell and walks off. When the explosion hits the whole dock shakes and twists. Maria pretends to fall on to the boat and the crowd ignores her as they start running for cover, as Rick comes swiming up on the stern of the boat. The fire is working its way down the dock and people are running to remove boats and put out the fire, a black cloud of smoke drifts over the whole dock now. What is Rick's next move ?

He needs to get the boat started and undocked and Maria is looking for some clothes.

Rick Coontail said...

Rick moves quietly from the back of the boat, forward up the steps into the pilot’s cabin, his H&K 9mm point leading the way. Anything that moves other than a beautiful girl is going to get three bullets in the head.
Rick knows that most sailors rarely never think about outside threat to their boats while at harbor. Many simple leave their keys in the ignition as a convenient place to store the keys without having to worry about losing them. He is hoping luck will be with him. If so, Rick will start up the engines and put them in a slow reverse. If not, he will come back and hot-rod the yacht.
Next Rick plans on slipping over the top and sliding down to the front of the yacht to cut the mooring ropes, throw two more flash grenades as far as he can down the docks and then slowly and easily take the yacht out of the bay and head out to sea.

He will let Maria figure out the clothing herself. He is hoping there isn’t much of anything for her for the time being.

Barett Coontail said...

Rick sneaks into the wheel house to find another gila staring out the window. Looking past him you see Maria standing stark naked on the deck, waving the smoke away from her, it is truly a captivating sight. Pulling himself back into reality, Rick inches into the cabin. The gila swings around sensing someone there. The Pop, pop, pop of three quick shots, two to the head, one to the chest stop his actions, before he even gets the small revolver in his pocket out. Quickley tossing the body over the side before it makes to big a mess, Rick finds the keys in the ignition.
Clicking the key to the start position and hiting the engine start button, the twin turbos hum to life, barley audible above the noise of the dock. Sliding out along the side and cutting loose the ropes, Rick tossed two more grenades on to the other side of the dock into two different sail boats. Pulling himself into the aft deck he scans the boat over again. On the edge of the dock the two gila's that left to check out Maria are making thier way quickly back to the stern of the boat.
What does Rick do, in a few seconds the two grenades will go off?

Rick Coontail said...

Rick mentally counts down in his head to time his actions with the explosion of the flash grenades. He snatches up a length of rope he just cut and coils it up, cutting the again so he has two pieces of rope coiled together. He is going to try a trick he heard about once.
When there is only about only 2 seconds left on the flash grenades, he calls out to the gila in Spanish.
“Retén!” (catch)
He mentally memorizes exactly where and how they are standing and then closes his eyes as the flash grenades go off.
The idea behind throwing two ropes at one time is that as the rope flies toward the gila and then separates, there is instinctually habit for people to widen their eyes and one object becomes two. Throwing the rope has no other purpose other than to district them.
Then, with his eyes still closed to the blinding flash and load explosion, Rick fires twice, one at the mental image of the head of first gila and then at the second.
Shooting as much as the coontails brothers do, acquiring one targeting, aiming, firing, and then repeating the process is as natural to them as breathing.

Barett Coontail said...

Rick shoots twice, just as the two explosions happen one after the other. The heat from the flash grenades and fires warms his face and the shower of boat parts tinkles on the yacht deck like Chistmas bells. Both Gila's lay on the dock face down, when Rick opens his eyes. Maria has ducked for cover in the pilot house, and the dock is in complete confusion.
" It's time to go!!! "
Yells Maria, as she points to the fast approaching flames on the dock.
What does Rick do ?

Rick Coontail said...

“Huh. That worked?”
Then he turns and runs like his tail is on fire to get the boat out of harm’s way. Of course, he created the harm but that is beside the point.
Stopping for a second to admire his girlfriend’s figure, Rick throttles up the engines and backs the yacht out of the docks.
Spinning the wheel and reversing the engines, he gives the boat a small burst of power pointing it out to sea. Then he drops the power back down to idle. Watching very carefully the chaos going on the burning docks, Rick plan is to eases his way out from the general area. He is doing his best not to call any more attention to himself. He is going to try to float away unnoticed as best as he can. He can wait and watch for 20 minutes or so, every now and then giving the yacht a little juice to keep it floating in the general direction out to sea. Then when they have rounded a bend and come moved out of the bay’s sight he will give the yacht some power and start his long trek to France.
Of course, if someone begins to take too much interest in what he and Maria are doing then he will cut causing at leaving quietly and will resort to leaving with a burst of speed.

Barett Coontail said...

Rick slowly backs the boat out of the dock and into the harbor. The thick black smoke from the fuel fire drifts over the water, obscuring everything, burning your lungs. Several dozen boats are drifting around you, some are manned by people trying to get out as well, others are drifting, dead in the water. Several more explosions happen back at the dock as fuel tanks pop into the air. This may turn into something bigger (or more deadly) than Rick was thinking, or perhaps not, no sense looking back now. Shielded by the tinted glass and with the pilot house door shut, Rick moves the Yacht out into the bay and the open ocean lays before him.

He drifts for awhile with some of the other boats, then when he is out of range of the clubhouse, opens up the engine and dials in a course for France. The twins roar to life, and create a steady harmonics through the boat, mixed with the rise and fall of the ocean waves, and salt water mist over the bow, you'd almost forget the devasation behind them. Rick settles in to the cabin and starts checking over the gauges and charts, the fuel is lower than he was hoping for, it will be a close call on hitting his mark at full bore.

Maria walks in, sporting a practically sheer, white sun dress, that leaves little to the imagination. Holding a bottle of very expensive champaign and two glasses, she says.

" Care to celebrate stealing a multi-million dollar boat with me ? "

Does Rick want to search the boat over ?

Rick Coontail said...

“That, my insanely beautiful lady, is how a well trained terrorist operates. It works well because you overload the system.”
“I’ll drink to that my evil minded boyfriend.” Maria smiles as she hands Rick a glass and takes a seat next to him and kicks her long bare legs on Rick’s lap. “You think they will be coming after us?”
“I don’t think they even could if they wanted. With us hitting the harbor, Barett playing E.O.H. (empire of human) terrorist on the bank, and Spanky and Shelia causing major traffic congestion, the authorities are going to have way too many immediate problems on their hands to listen to some rich dweeb cry about losing his boat.”
“So what are your plans now big-boy?” Maria asked as she slipped her toes towards his crotch. “Are you going to play nasty abducting terrorist with some poor helpless girl?”
“Wo there my sultry mink.” Rick said as he slowly traced the curvature of her knee down to her toes.
“ We need to do an inventory and see what we can find on this boat. I am also thinking we may need to stop somewhere and get some more diesel. We don’t have as much as I was hoping for and we may not make it all the way to Sete. It would also be best to check out the computer navigation system here and make sure it is not sending out tracking information.”
“Where do you want me to start?”
“Why don’t you continue looking through the rooms and see what you can find. I will run through the computer and navigation system to see if it is broadcasting anything we don’t want it to. Then I will map out a few places we could stop for fuel. I am hoping we will find some good food and have a nice romantic dinner under the sea’s night sky.”
Rick took her foot and kissed her toes and then gives her a wink.
“Don’t worry about missing out on a nice romantic weekend. I am still planning on having one.”

Barett Coontail said...

Maria smiles wickedly at you and takes off her sun dress.
" Then I will just have to search in the buff, it is way to hot in here for anything else."
she says as she bends over and starts looking over the gps system.
" Is this to distracting for you,....I hope I am not breaking your concentration?" she says in a playful voice.
" I would hate for some dreadful pirate to take advantage of one who would steal a boat and blow up a dock."
Then she runs playfully down into the cabins to hide.
Just as Rick is about to chase after her, because there is always time for nookie, his eye catches a beeping red light on the console. On further inspection he see's that it is a security device. Knowing what he does about these things, it is probably a tracking device, which would make sense for a million dollar yacht. Rick has a problem now, a beautiful naked women is waiting for him somewhere in the ship, and a beeping security light warns him of potential problems.
What does Rick do ?

Rick Coontail said...

Rick knows he needs to take care of the security device now. He is hoping it will be a simple software issue that all he needs to do is get into the program and turn the dumb thing off.

If that doesn't work then he will move onto the the hardware solution by ripping the thing out and throwing it over board. He has over important matters to deal with.

When the security problems has been sufficiently dealt with, Rick will start hunting Maria down very quietly like a large cat at night stocking its unaware pray.

Barett Coontail said...

Ricks concentration is elsewhere right now, but the tracking device must be turned off. His extensive knowledge of this type of program tells him that it's been watching him the whole time. Rick changes course and lets the boat run for a few minutes, to throw it off your course. Then he pulls the wires on the power source and yanks the module out with his bare hands. ( sexual frustration/desire compels things to be done quickly ).
Having done that he changes back the course, locks in the steering and heads down into the cabins, for a much more urgent activity.

Using his prowl and hide, he moves from room to room, sneaking and peeking. At the last cabin by the bow Rick slowly opens the door, the interior is darkened by the drawn blinds and curtains. Even though this is the master cabin, it still is not that large.
Just as his eyes start to adjust, the lights flick on, and there stands Maria.

She is decked out in black latex thigh high boots and a strange black latex one piece swimsuit. A large whip is in one hand and the bed is covered in strange devices and latex clothes.

" Hey there stranger..."

she growls at you.

" I was begining to think you were not coming down..."

" I think these guys were into some strange stuff, there is a closet full of this stuff, I got bored waiting for you and put some of it on, do you like it ?"

Before Rick can answer that question, she jumps him. Ninety minutes later, Rick is sitting at the edge of the bed looking over the strange things, now spread across the floor.
" some people are just strange, why mess with a perfectly fun activity by adding all this wierdness, oh well to each their own."

says Maria as she roles out of bed and heads for the bathroom.

Rick still needs to check out the whole boat and see what sits in storage, where does he want to start ?

Rick Coontail said...

Rick start with room he is in an begins searching room by room until he covers the entire boat.

After the search he is going to look at the maps and try to find a good place to come into port for fuel. He is looking for somewhere small along the coast of Sicilia. Maybe Secca Grande

Barett Coontail said...

Ricks search is fruitful, in that he manages to find over $ 5,000.00 in euro's, a nice Rolex watch and some clothes that fit Maria. The stock on the food was about half gone, but that was to feed six for a week, now its just two for a day. In the hold he finds some banned alligator hides and wine, and lots of strange voodoo stuff. It looks like they were on their way back from south america and the cuban islands. He also finds a five pound bag of pot. Besides all that the ship is clean, just another rich boys toy, it's based out of Malta to a Sir Norton Larrs.
Rick spends some time looking over the maps and decides to hit the small fishing village of Secca Grande, it will be dark and he can steal some fuel off a fishing boat. Dinner that night is great, the best he has eaten in days. Sitting on the back deck looking at the stars, Rick begins to relax, all and all things went really smooth. When they pull up to Secca Grande it's dark, the fishermen are on the shore, or inside eating. Rick manages to find a empty boat and get the extra fuel he needs, leaving some cash to cover the theif. Things role smooth all night and they show up a half hour earlier than he thought to Sete. Its late morning now as they see the city on the horizon.

WHat does Rick do ?

Rick Coontail said...

Rick has one MP5K-PDW with a suppresser and 4x30 tri-ring scope with strobe flashlight and weaver base laser sight with 10, 30 round clips of frangible round. Rick also has two H&K P30 9mm with 20 extra magazines, one for himself and one for Maria.
He also has the Canon EOS 1Ds Mark III 21.1MP Digital SLR Camera with different lens, wire cutters, Swiss Army SwissTool, duct tape, black electrician’s tape, and small briefcase that houses a compact computer Rick design and built.

He is caring about 5,000 in cash and a change of clothing.

Barett Coontail said...

Maria looks over the boat, then over to you.

" looks like you've packed for the fun and games, It's a good thing I packed for the fun. "

She tosses a large pack full of dried food and cloths, some books and maps.
She has on some tight jeans and a low cut tanktop, running shoes and baseball cap.

" It's a shame to leave this nice boat, but we don't want to wear out our welcome. I've cleaned out all evidence of our persons, finger prints and the like, What is your plan with the boat ? Are we swiming to the shore or using the inflatable raft in storage ?"