Wednesday, November 27, 2013

In the Water and in the Dark

Barett and Rick sat in the absolute dark for a few seconds, they knew that Utah couldn't have blown the main transformer and power line coming into town, so either the Zombies were up to no good or something else was at play.
Barett Clicked the radio button to reach Utah.
"Copy." Utah replied dryly, a tiredness in his voice.
"Give me a situation run down."

Barettt covered his and Rick's situation, and the suggestion they disable the ship, to gain some time.
"Roger that, on your way out to the boat, look for Maria, she fell out during the flight over the open water, status unknown. We will provide what support we can from the shore. contact me once you have a chance on the boat."

"Roger, wilco. Give us ten, and we will talk again."

Barett pulled down the mike and leaned into Rick.
"Looks like Maria is taking a swim in the bay, fell out the helicopter. We have the go ahead to disable the ship. They will give tactical support from the shore. How good a swimmer is Maria?"
Rick Thought for a quick second.
"Pretty good, as long as she was awake when she hit, she should be fine."
He started pulling off his gear and clothes, stuffing them into his pack.
'Let's go for a quick dip"

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

A time for a retelling

We have been working on our Coontail Brother story now for 5 years. For the past year, I and Barrett have been so busy with our work and life in general that we have not had the time and energy to work on this site. I am sure there is no one following this blog at the present time because we have not been putting up any regular posts for a number of months now.

 But I don’t want the stories to die because I don’t have time. So today, I applied a different template layout on the blog and decided that it is time to re-engage in the story telling. This story is primarily about highly skilled in a number of area but ultimately flawed individuals who happen to be brothers.

 The two oldest are fraternal twins, Utah Blaine and Barrett Coontail. Utah uses his ten minute head start entry into the world as an eternal propagation to claim the position as oldest and leader. Utah is intelligent, decisive, strong willed, arrogant, hot tempered and over compared to an abrasive surfaces, but at times can be charming and caring. Utah believe in living up to a moral code and living within standards. He likewise has faith that leaders of the country and military will in due course make acceptably appropriate decision and should be followed for the most part.

Barrett is likewise very intelligent and cunning but has a deeply embedded mistrust of any political figure as he assumes all people in power make their decision based solely upon shellfish and self-serving reasons and hence, government in any form is principally flawed. So while Barrett will work within the confines of a military or civilian organization he keeps himself aloof and in his mind, aloft of the inner workings of society. 

Rick is the third son and a bit of a showoff. Like his two older brothers, he is intelligent and quick in grasping the severity of a given situation but whereas Utah and Barrett takes on challenges head first, Rick often comes at things sideways. Though Rick is quite friendly, moreover jovial, and charming, he is also very vain. His focus is often on material possessions and is a collector of gorgeous women. Though Rick may seem to care about others emotional state and well-being and has the ladies figuratively eating out of his hands, he is habitually oblivious to their true feelings which inevitably leads to a number of spurn lovers out for his head planted on a stake.

Dave Crockett is the youngest of the brothers and is in all probability the most intelligent of the three. He is capable of both thinking and envisioning possibilities and dealing effectively with the here-and-now but he often times overlays these thoughts with an involuntary sense reckless immortality. He can be as charming as Rick but more personable and unpretentious. People who meet him for the first time find him to be the ideal brother who is cool, witty, and good-looking. But inside there is a deep contemptuous darkness to him. He thinks of himself as an idiosyncratic rebellious outsider.

~My goal is to tell the story of the adventures of the Coontail Brothers starting in the middle while they are in Europe.  I plan to post at least once a week and the telling will be through post and not through added comments as we have done in the past.   If you wish to add a comment about a post, please do so and give use some feedback.  We would like to improve our writing ability, for ultimately, this is what this blog is about, trying my hand at writing a good story.