Friday, May 18, 2012

The Port of Zavala on Hvar Island

The hills rose up dramatically from the sea at this small town of Zavalal, the white sands of the beaches were inviting and Utah wished he could spend some down time here, just laying about for a few days. Several large three story homes, white washed with red tile roofs poked out of the green trees and bushes, it was a larger town than the map indicated, but held a direct road to Stari Grad and Hvar. He eased the motor down and found a shallow bay that the anchor would hold the smaller Yacht steady on. Grabbing his Rifle from the floor, he dialed up the scope setting on the big .50 cal and started scanning the beach and then each house close to them. He checked his watch, 4:30 pm local time, no one was moving from what he could tell, to early for dinner, to late for lunch, something was wrong.

" Anyone see anything, Good, bad, out of place ?" Utah spoke out loudly, just short of a yell.

The girls all nodded in the negative, but Barett and Rick just stepped into the bridge with him. With the girls all standing on the front deck of the boat, eyes glued to various scopes or binos, Rick spoke up, low and serious.

"Its way to quiet, nothing is moving, granted we have a limited view, but all the boats at the dock are still tied up, none of the local fisherman are out on the water, no one is on the beachs. It's a literal ghost town, nothing moving." Rick nodded towards the four white fishing boats still tied to the end of a private dock.

" I'm with Rick on this one, the town got hit, and good. There is that one new power boat tied up with the other older fishing boats that looks out of place a good place to begin our search for answers. But I think we are safe to say they saw what we saw last night. We sure could use a Helo right now, I say if we find some sort of air transport we take it, never know when it will come in handy. Are there any good airports on this island ?" Barett pointed to another dock that held a long nosed red and white speed boat, next to some old wooden fishing boats.