" I say we wait for "Roach" here, something is wrong with the town, better if we stay in a place we can exit faster from here, than the narrow roads of the city."
The others nodded their heads in agreement, it seemed like the best thing to do, for now.

" Who's Roach? "
Bianca asked nervously from the drivers seat.
" He's the guy that just saved your ass, he should be along soon. "
Maria chipped in.
" Oh, so are you like his Girlfriend or something, he seemed very interested in your safty. He told me yesterday his name was Brad something ?"
Maria looked annoyed, then softened, then her and Carla started laughing, it was a tension breaker, and Bianca started laughing to.
" I'm not his girlfriend and neither is she, Roach is his nickname." Maria got out between bouts of laughing with Carla.
"So, how do you know Brad "
" He flirted with me the other day at a little cafe during lunch in Split, so I was surprised to see him here, but Hvar does have all the best clubs. I gave him my number, hoping to hook up again with him, he's cute and charming in a bad boy kind of way. So why do you call him Roach ?"
Bianca was trying to get any info she could from these two beautiful women, neither of whom seemed to be romantically tied to Barett, which she did find confusing.
"Just a nickname his brother gave him, don't really know much more than that. But you need not worry about him, he's a nice guy."
Maria and Carla exchanged glances, and this was not lost on Bianca.