Carla had know the museum keeper some how and helped them get set up in the basement, while the Museum was closed for some sort of renovation of the roof. They had just settled in, the afternoon heat starting to fade as evening approached. Rick was bent over the laptop typing voracously into it, like he was on some speed typing event. Utah was rehashing what intel they did know, trying to make sure they had covered all their bases, and going over the plan.
" Look we know that Roman has 'Medically Altered Zombies' he plans to use on the boat for some strange reason. That the 'Chirstina O' was going to be a trap seemed obvious, now we know what kind of trap. But Roman will be on that boat, so if it is agreeable to all, Rick and Shelia will take our invite and go onto the boat as guests. They will be wired up so that we can monitor everything from here. Carla will stay back here and relay information out to us. Psy and Zeus will sneak onto the Christina O and do some recon. Barett and I will be on the 'newly acquired Yacht' as back up. "
Utah paused, looking down at the map of the boat and the local island map.
" What we need to do is make contact with Dave and Maria, find out what they are up to and why the two of them are together in such a cozy way."
Rick made a coughing noise.
" Assumed cozy way. at least."
Utah continued, with out even acknowledging Ricks comment.
"Alright then, any other ideas or input ?"