The rain has stopped but everything was still damp. Barett sat alone on a chair overlooking the lawn of Lake Quinault Lodge. He needed a moment to think things through. If someone had walked by, they would have seen what looked like a man with the weight of the world pressing down on a stooped figure. His left hand hung over the edge of the chair hanging low, holding a single piece of paper that looks as if he had flushed down a toilet bowl.
Old man Bob had been jumping up and down screaming for everyone to get off his property and threatening to sue the next SOB that came on his land. He had recovered from his original shock of events and turned back to his old eccentric self. Barett had had to jail him to calm him down. But that was least of his worries. Someone was operating here with an agenda and Barett hadn’t figured out what that was yet. Whoever it was was coming at the whole thing sideways. There was no rhyme or reason to these violent acts except that for the one fact that Barett somehow the connecting person at the center and that reoccurring theme of Peter Pan.
Barett wasn’t sure if Thomas Ramsden or Melissa would make it. They were both in bad shape.
“Puer Aeternus.” The word kept coming into his mind. Puer Aternus, the Peter Pan syndrome, what was meant by putting it on the sign on the cross? First there was Luz Roque identified as Windy, ending up dead, then Thomas with the name of John Darling written on him. Then they went after Melissa. Was she just in the wrong place at the wrong time or was there another connection he was missing. Both Melissa and Tome were in serious condition.
What the hell was going on?
He picked up the paper that had been salvaged from the wrecked Toyota and read it again.
Twas night in the dwelling,
and Norns there came,
Who shaped the life
of the lofty one;
They bade him most famed
of fighters all
And best of princes
ever to be.
‘Seek the Pan
And rip out his wings.’
They bade him most.
‘Seek the Puer Aeternus child.’
“Tis the Pan’s arrogance”,
We three weird Sisters seek.
“His pages of vanity
His narcissism and refusal
To see
We control the fates
The Norns!
Not pan the enemy.”
The script was hand written in a neat hand, signed with the name of Mr. Crochet.